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    Fight For Love

    Spencer’s eyes closed as she felt herself reching the top of her high as the other girl never slowed her pace.  There was a tightening deep down in her stomach, the same feeling that only Ashley made her feel.  "Please Ash…I…I’m so close…"  The blondes pleas and begs kept pushing Ashley to give in a little more and more.

    Ashley finally gave in to the girl underneath her.  She kissed Spencer’s lips hard knowing that both hers and the blondes woudl be bruised.  Pulling away, breathless she spoke to Spencer.  "Spence, baby, please open your eyes for me…Mmm baby please…"

    Spencer opened her eyes, as a pair of deep brown eyes stared down into hers.  Between her gasping for breath, Spencer managed to give a smile.

    "I love you Spencer."  Ashley wouldn’t let the blonderespond, she pushed her fingers deep and curled them completely sending Spencer to oblivion.

    "AAAASSSHLEEEY!!!"  Spencer’s head was thrown back into the pillow and her back arched off the bed.  Her screams dying down to a deep heavy breathing, Spencer’s eyes closed soemhow along the high and now she refused to oped them.

    Ashley’s body ached but she pushed herself up towards the blonde’s upper body, resting on her knees next to Spencer, she licked her fingers clean.  Moaning at the taste of the other girl.  "Mmm Spence you taste amazing baby."

    Spencer’s eyes were open, watching every moment.  The sight of Ashley licking her fignres clean, using her tongue to wrap around her fingers, was turning her on again.  It was also making Ashley squirm around on her knees next to her.  Spencer knew that the brunette was extremely hot and bothered.  "Ash, come here…  I want to give you something."

    Ashley crawled over towards Spencer only to be quickly shoved onto her back and straddled by the blonde.  The brunette groaned feeling Spencer’s legs on either side of her, and the suddne heat that came from Spencer’s centre resting on Ashley’s waist.  Ashley’s hands started to slide up Spencer’s thighs and rested them on her hips.

    "No Ash…You had your turn already, and right now I’m taking things slow and steady."  Spencer left the brunette’s hands where they were, as she leaned over and kissed Ashley’s lips tenderly.  There was a familiar taste playing along the girls lips.  "Mmm baby you taste like strawberries…  My favorite."


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