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    Fight For Love

    Spencer’s tongue flicked across the brunette’s nipple causing Ashley to gsp and moan. Finally satisfied, she moved herself lower, sliding her body down Ashleys.  As Spencer moved lower she kissed, and bit lightly on the tanned skin.

    Ashley’s body was so hot and turned on that every touch, every kiss or bite was too much for her to handle, but she wasn’t gonna beg for Spencer just yet.  She felt the blonde’s smooth, soft tongue trace her hip bone on the left side then slide down her inner thigh.  Whimpering as she felt Spencer’s tongue trace up the right side.  Ashley pulled again at the scarves around her wrists as she watched every movement.  "Baby I want you so badly."

    Spencer reached the top of Ashley’s right hip and looked up at her;  "Really?  How badly Ash?"  Spencer’s fingers slid under the last piece of fabric that covered Ashley.  Finally clothing free, Ashley’s bared, tanned, amazingly smooth, toned body lay at the mercy of the blonde.

    Ashley had to take a few seconds to think of an answer for Spencer…More like get her mouth to work to form the words.  "R… ba…dlly."  Ashley closed her eyes partically as she let a moan escape her, feeling the sudden cool air against her light covered sweety body.  Opening her eyes she saw Spencer eyeing her body up and down.

    "I love you better without clothes on baby, makes it so much easier to fuck you."  Spencer moved herself between Ashley’s thighs and started to kiss above the brunette’s clit.  She plated a soft kiss on the bundle of nerves hearing the girl gasp and finally start to beg.

    "Fuch Spence, please, just fuck me hard now.  Please baby."  Ashley’s hips were bucking and thrusting against the blonde.

    Spencer smiled and thrusted three fingers deep inside Ashley.

    "FUUUUCK SPENCER!!"  Ashley screamed moving her legs ferther apart feeling Spencer go even deeper then before.

    Spencer moved her mouth down onto Ashley’s clit sucking and lightly pulling on the nerves as her fingers thrusted hard and fast.

    "Spencer oh God baby harder please…oh fuck…  Don’t stop."  Ashley’s body was starting to shake and her breathing started to become ragged and hoarse.  Her body was Starting to become tenser as she felt the orgasm approaching.

    Spencer felt it too, she pulled her mouth away from the brunette’s clit and moved up her body to kiss her lips; "That’s it baby…come for me…just a little more."  The blonde’s fingers moved faster and harder, she curled them finding the spot she always knew and pressed her thumb hard on Ashley’s clit.

    "OH MY GOD SPENNNCERRR!!!"  Ashley’s body arched off the bed into Spencer’s as the orgasm rocked throughout the brunette.

    Finally coming down from her extremely amazing high, she felt Spencer’s fingers slowly pull out of her sending a small tremor through her.  Her breathing was heavy and she was shaking badly as Spencer’s arms wrapped a blanket around her and held her body close after untying her hands.

    "Mmm baby that was amazing." Spencer kissed Ashley’s forehead and then her lips lovingly.

    "I know it was baby, but only because you’re amazing too."  Ashley cuddled closer to Spencer and held the girl in her arms.  "I feel so tired right now, I can barely move."

    "Shh baby it’s okay just rest and sleep okay."  Spencer’s words whispered into Ashley’s ear, she felt the brunette relax and not to long after fall asleep in her arms.  Spencer kissed her forehead once more before resting her head on Ashley’s chest and falling asleep listening to the girl’s heart beating only for her.


    The End


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