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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Adina)


    “I will not have you bringing that, that… person, back into my house.” Paula said with venom and determination.


    “Fine.” Spencer said, crossing her arms. If nothing else, she’d inherited her stubbornness from her mother. “Then I won’t bring her back. But I’m an adult, and I can do as I please. I choose my friends and you can’t stop me seeing her. She’s interesting, friendly and I like her.”




    “You always taught me to be gracious and kind,” Spencer interrupted, “But what you meant was to people you approved of. Well, I like meeting new people. They have interesting life stories and they’re not, they’re not… BORING.”


    “Are you saying I’m boring?” Trust Paula to not really have listened to most of what Spencer had said.


    “If the shoe fits,” Spencer retaliated bitterly. “This discussion is over. I’m going to bed.”


    “Spencer Graham you get back here.” But Spencer was already walking away. Then she caught what her mother had actually said and turned around with flashing eyes, all anger.


    “It’s Spencer CARLIN. C A R L I N,” she spelled out. “You married Ben, I didn’t. This is your life, not mine. CARLIN.”


    And then she stormed off to her room, slamming the door behind her.


    It was disappointing. Thus far it had been one of the most interesting, and by far enjoyable evenings of her life. To end it with an argument wasn’t Spencer’s first choice, although she knew it had been inevitable.


    She flopped backwards on her bed and stared at the ceiling. In the depths of the house she could hear her mother wailing to Ben. She couldn’t make out what his response was but she suspected it was good natured placating. That was pretty much Ben’s schtick to her mother. Keep her happy, and just pretend to listen. In return, Paula was a gracious wife, a good hostess and looked fantastic on his arm at business functions. Also, Spencer suspected they actually loved each other though she was bitter enough right now not to have a clue why.


    Clay was in his room, as per usual, probably studying or something.



    1. *giggles* Henry. hahaha. but surprisingly. i couldnt picture it any other name. but it makes me giggle none the less. i loved it AT, and damn we havent talked in FOREVER, *sighs* AT hates me. but alas i love your writing regardless. keep up the good work. mucho lugness :]

    2. *giggles* Henry. hahaha. but surprisingly. i couldnt picture it any other name. but it makes me giggle none the less. i loved it AT, and damn we havent talked in FOREVER, *sighs* AT hates me. but alas i love your writing regardless. keep up the good work. mucho lugness :]

    3. yeah, spencer just needs to pack her stuff and hop aboard. cause really, theres nothing keeping her there! she loves it but hates it. so why not go with the girl shes clearly falling for? wonderful! awesome update as always

    4. yeah, spencer just needs to pack her stuff and hop aboard. cause really, theres nothing keeping her there! she loves it but hates it. so why not go with the girl shes clearly falling for? wonderful! awesome update as always

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