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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Adina)

    And Spencer…


    Oh god, Spencer was back on the cliff. She couldn’t stop replaying the whole damn thing in her head.


    That moment, the one you know was always waiting, when you finally realize why kissing is so popular. When you realize that all those boys you’d kissed really were doing it wrong. When you realized that when people talked about sex and erotic feelings that a whole body experience from limited contact was, in fact, entirely possible. When your world exploded in pretty colours and lights because a sexy, curly haired, female, undeniably female, space captain had just wandered into your life and turned it upside down.


    That probably explained the goofy smile.


    It hadn’t been one small kiss. Oh it had started that way, with the brushing of their lips across each other. Spencer’s soft and lush, Ashley’s a little rougher but still warm and neat. Spencer having taken the lead to finally get them there, to the kiss they’d both anticipated, all at sea over what to do next.


    She’d always been the kissed, pretty much the completely placid partner just putting up with whatever happened. Not this time, this time she was positively encouraged to take the lead, then to go crazy with what was returned.


    When she’d parted her lips under Ashley’s, almost demanding more, she hadn’t been denied. But the unexpected, as always with the brunette had crept up. Ashley had taken her time, nibbling a bottom lip, sliding her tongue out across it and then darting back, inviting Spencer to tasted. Enticing Spencer’s tongue out to tangle with her own and then rubbing it sensually. None of this penetrating tonsil hockey that Spencer was used to.


    It floored her. That a kiss could be that good, that sweet and soft and also the single most erotic experience of her life to date.


    She’d groaned when it ended; audibly and grumpily. That had earned her a chuckle from Ashley who had held her chin between a thumb and forefinger to lean back slightly and exchange gazes with her deep chocolate eyes. Everything about the girl was warm, liquid and inviting. Spencer had felt her own centre begin to become invitingly wet, a novel sensation.


    1. *giggles* Henry. hahaha. but surprisingly. i couldnt picture it any other name. but it makes me giggle none the less. i loved it AT, and damn we havent talked in FOREVER, *sighs* AT hates me. but alas i love your writing regardless. keep up the good work. mucho lugness :]

    2. *giggles* Henry. hahaha. but surprisingly. i couldnt picture it any other name. but it makes me giggle none the less. i loved it AT, and damn we havent talked in FOREVER, *sighs* AT hates me. but alas i love your writing regardless. keep up the good work. mucho lugness :]

    3. yeah, spencer just needs to pack her stuff and hop aboard. cause really, theres nothing keeping her there! she loves it but hates it. so why not go with the girl shes clearly falling for? wonderful! awesome update as always

    4. yeah, spencer just needs to pack her stuff and hop aboard. cause really, theres nothing keeping her there! she loves it but hates it. so why not go with the girl shes clearly falling for? wonderful! awesome update as always

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