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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Adina)


    And now, thinking back to the second kiss, and the third, merging into one beautiful, beautiful evening, was making her wet again.


    Spencer slid her hand down to test the waters, groaning at what she found. Was she really thinking of doing this? Christ, what the girl could do to her with just three kisses. Damn but they’d ended with the sudden catapault of rocks off the cliff from several metres away. There was a large boulder with some cactuses protruding from behind it.


    A shower of small rocks had slid off the cliff causing the girls to pull apart and stare at it in confusion. Spencer because her entire world had just flipped sideways and she was dazed, Ashley because it was a abrupt intrusion. Nothing appeared from behind the rock, and the brunette had murmured “rabbits”. Spencer thought the wild cats of the region were more likely.


    It had broken the spell really, though Spencer could still feel the magic. Now, here on her bed, she slid herself under the covers, and let the magic wash over her, her hand working furiously. She let the thought of Ashley carry her away.




    Ashley’s stupid grin was wiped off her face early the next morning with the pounding of one of the planet officials on the outside of her ship. Pulling on some pants while swearing profusely at the banging, which didn’t let up, she slammed open the hatch in her white tank shirt and work pants, eyes blazing.


    “What in the gorramit universe do you think you’re doing,” she yelled.


    “Space port official,” the man said gruffly, as though Ashley wasn’t even there. He was staring at his clipboard and hadn’t given her any eye contact.


    “What?” she asked, completely disbelievingly.


    “Your part came in yesterday, out by tomorrow morning.” He began to walk off.


    “What the fuck?” Ashley said. She leapt down off the craft and ran after him. Catching the uniformed man by the elbow she spun him around. There was a moment they shared, both staring at her hand on his arm, before she leg go and began to hurl a reasonable number of obscenities at the man. He did have the sense to look a bit taken back at the diatribe, and Ashley felt a bit better for the vocal work out.


    1. *giggles* Henry. hahaha. but surprisingly. i couldnt picture it any other name. but it makes me giggle none the less. i loved it AT, and damn we havent talked in FOREVER, *sighs* AT hates me. but alas i love your writing regardless. keep up the good work. mucho lugness :]

    2. *giggles* Henry. hahaha. but surprisingly. i couldnt picture it any other name. but it makes me giggle none the less. i loved it AT, and damn we havent talked in FOREVER, *sighs* AT hates me. but alas i love your writing regardless. keep up the good work. mucho lugness :]

    3. yeah, spencer just needs to pack her stuff and hop aboard. cause really, theres nothing keeping her there! she loves it but hates it. so why not go with the girl shes clearly falling for? wonderful! awesome update as always

    4. yeah, spencer just needs to pack her stuff and hop aboard. cause really, theres nothing keeping her there! she loves it but hates it. so why not go with the girl shes clearly falling for? wonderful! awesome update as always

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