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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Adina)


    Girls were nice, and yeah, when she was this horny, sometimes a necessity, but never like this. She’d never been so single minded about someone before. Ashley was definitely a take em or leave em kind of person.


    Something about Spencer had gotten under her skin. Ashley knew herself well enough to know that the only thing she could do now was have her fill. Or she’d be thinking about it for months. When she’d gotten it out of her system she could move on and leave them both satisfied.


    It was a great plan, but the stupid hierarchy here on the planet had just put the brakes on that idea.


    So now she had to do some preparation. She had to get Henry ready to fly for starters.


    Yes. She’d called her ship Henry. He just felt like a Henry, and Ashley loved him. It was the one, true, never-ending love affair of her life.


    Then she had to try and find Spencer so she could at least say a brief goodbye. She planned on making the separation a short one, come hell or highwater.


    In the end, Spencer found her way to Ashley. The brunette was perched on top of her roof, attempting to spot weld some plates back on, when the sexy doctor appeared out of nowhere.


    Ashley turned off the welding gun, flipped up her safety mask and grinned.


    “Hey doc,” she called out cheerfully.


    “Cap’n,” Spencer replied cheekily.


    Ashley slid off the roof and landed on the ground next to the craft with a thud and a small cloud of dust.


    “I went looking for you earlier,” she told the girl, putting down her equipment and taking the stupid mask off.


    “Really?” Spencer sounded surprised and oddly touched.


    “Yup, tried the hospital but they said you weren’t in. That boyfriend of yours gave me a funny look,” Ashley winked.


    Spencer blushed. “It’s my day off.”


    “Aah.” Ashley wiped her hands on a rag and then stuffed it in the back pocket of her work jeans.


    “Did you just want to say hi or…” Spencer asked leaning casually on Henry.


    1. *giggles* Henry. hahaha. but surprisingly. i couldnt picture it any other name. but it makes me giggle none the less. i loved it AT, and damn we havent talked in FOREVER, *sighs* AT hates me. but alas i love your writing regardless. keep up the good work. mucho lugness :]

    2. *giggles* Henry. hahaha. but surprisingly. i couldnt picture it any other name. but it makes me giggle none the less. i loved it AT, and damn we havent talked in FOREVER, *sighs* AT hates me. but alas i love your writing regardless. keep up the good work. mucho lugness :]

    3. yeah, spencer just needs to pack her stuff and hop aboard. cause really, theres nothing keeping her there! she loves it but hates it. so why not go with the girl shes clearly falling for? wonderful! awesome update as always

    4. yeah, spencer just needs to pack her stuff and hop aboard. cause really, theres nothing keeping her there! she loves it but hates it. so why not go with the girl shes clearly falling for? wonderful! awesome update as always

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