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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Adina)


    “Actually, I wanted to say goodbye.”


    Ashley could have sworn that Spencer visibly paled.




    “I’ve been given my marching orders.” Ashley reached into her pocket, took out the piece of paper the official had handed her before walking off and gave it to Spencer. “I am required to vacate the planet before noon tomorrow. Who knew that ‘move them on’ orders could stretch so far.”


    Spencer read the piece of paper wordlessly.


    “And you’re going?”


    “Don’t have much choice sweet cheeks. I’d rather not have Henry impounded and the inside of jail cells have terrible décor.”




    Ashley patted the side of the ship.


    “So that’s it, you’re just going.” Now Spencer sounded mad.


    Ashley reached out and caught her hand. “I don’t want to. I have to.”


    “You could fight it,” Spencer said obstinately, pulling her hand back and folding her arms. She clearly had no idea what it did to her cleavage. Ashley’s eyes flickered to it momentarily and then back to the blonde’s face, uncaught.


    “I’d lose. And I’d be broke, and probably still impounded.” Ashley said pragmatically. “Spencer I’ll come back.”


    Spencer shoved her hands in her pocket. “Sure,” she said reasonable. It wasn’t sarcastic, but the brunette knew it wasn’t sincere either.


    “Spence, I will, really.”


    “Well, Ash.” The blonde said, emphasizing the nickname. “I guess it was nice to meet you, see you around and all that.”


    “Spencer, wait,” Ashley called out. Her heart was beating now, thumping even. She really hadn’t envisioned the exchange going like this. Ok, in her mind it had involved dragging Spencer into the ship and doing some rather specific things to her but that was because she was sex crazed right now. The dawning of awareness that she’d actually upset the girl was a little different. And it brought whole new, unexpected emotions to the surface of Ashley. Like, regret and fear. Captain Ashley Davies did not regret, nor did she worry about what other people thought.


    Unless, apparently, that other person was Dr. Spencer Carlin.


    Swearing in most of the languages she knew, Ashley ran after the blonde who was thankfully not moving that fast. She caught up with her before she could round a corner and be out of sight.


    “Spencer please,”


    The blonde turned around. “It’s…”


    “Spencer I will be back.” Ashley said firmly. “I just have to leave until I can come back, and I’ll make sure it’s not that long. I will come back.”


    “Good.” Spencer said. “I’ll… I’ll miss you.”


    “Yeah, my ass just looks to good in these pants doesn’t it,” Ashley joked, uncomfortable with the serious nature of the conversation. To her relief Spencer rolled her eyes and chuckled.


    “Don’t flatter yourself.”


    “Oh!” Ashley said, feigning mortal wound pain. She grinned. “I’ll see you around blondie,” she said.


    “Yeah,” Spencer replied, a little brighter. She gave a half smile, and then a half wave.


    Ashley watched her walk away and wondered what the hell she was going to do with herself.


    1. *giggles* Henry. hahaha. but surprisingly. i couldnt picture it any other name. but it makes me giggle none the less. i loved it AT, and damn we havent talked in FOREVER, *sighs* AT hates me. but alas i love your writing regardless. keep up the good work. mucho lugness :]

    2. *giggles* Henry. hahaha. but surprisingly. i couldnt picture it any other name. but it makes me giggle none the less. i loved it AT, and damn we havent talked in FOREVER, *sighs* AT hates me. but alas i love your writing regardless. keep up the good work. mucho lugness :]

    3. yeah, spencer just needs to pack her stuff and hop aboard. cause really, theres nothing keeping her there! she loves it but hates it. so why not go with the girl shes clearly falling for? wonderful! awesome update as always

    4. yeah, spencer just needs to pack her stuff and hop aboard. cause really, theres nothing keeping her there! she loves it but hates it. so why not go with the girl shes clearly falling for? wonderful! awesome update as always

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