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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Aida)


    Then to Spencer’s surprise, the brunette tipped forward, pressed a firm kiss to her forehead, and then turned to leave.


    Spencer grabbed her arm, and barely noticed the brunette’s wince. “What the hell was that?”


    “That” the girl said flatly, “was thanks. For not giving me up in the church place.”


    Spencer held on to the arm, like she was magnetically attracted to it. “I don’t need that kind of thanks.” She said.


    “Fine.” That edge came back. Then the brunette wrenched her arm out of Spencer’s grip and bit her lip as an unmistakable frisson of pain swept across her countenance. She turned to leave again.  


    “What’s wrong with your arm?” Why couldn’t Spencer just let her leave?


    “Nothing,” the brunette replied flatly.


    “Liar” Spencer taunted. Something had gotten into her, and although she had no idea what it was, or why it was irritating the hell out of her, she also couldn’t let it go. “You’ve hurt it.”


    “It’s nothing,” the other girl was sounding irritated too.


    “Let me have a look at it,” Spencer insisted.

    “What? No!”


    “Come on, don’t be silly, I’m a doctor” Spencer reassured. “Let me see.”


    “Oh for god sakes!” the brunette rolled her eyes. “Here.” She shoved her sleeve up her arm revealing a tanned, lean forearm that ended in a surprisingly slender and nimble looking hand. The scent of soap was wafting off it and made Spencer’s insides do a little curl. Around midway up the arm, a white rag was tied grubbily around, with a slight tinge of red in the middle.


    “I can’t see properly here,” Spencer insisted. “Come over to the clinic.”


    “No way!” The brunette shoved her sleeve back down. “I’m not that stupid?”


    “Debatable.” Spencer parried. “Look, like you said, if I was going to turn you in I would have done so by now. I could’ve done it any time. I just want to fix your arm and I can’t do it here, so will you stop being such a big baby and just come with me.”


    The brunette raised a quizzical eyebrow. “Baby?”

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    1. ok, so i went out and decided to rent firefly so that I could understand this a bit more – and can i just say that firefly’s got nothing on you! Your writing is so much better! yay you! please keep posting. i can’t wait to read the next one!

    2. ok, so i went out and decided to rent firefly so that I could understand this a bit more – and can i just say that firefly’s got nothing on you! Your writing is so much better! yay you! please keep posting. i can’t wait to read the next one!

    3. This is the third amd last time I’m commenting on your stories today! (ok ok I’m afraid it’s making me look a little stalkerish) But anyway this fic is freakin’ awesome man… love in outerspace… AND feisty CAPTAIN Ashley… WoW

    4. This is the third amd last time I’m commenting on your stories today! (ok ok I’m afraid it’s making me look a little stalkerish) But anyway this fic is freakin’ awesome man… love in outerspace… AND feisty CAPTAIN Ashley… WoW

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