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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Aida)


    Spencer folded her arms across her chest obstinately.

    “Jesus H. Christ.”


    “Can you not blaspheme quite so close to my church?” Spencer said crossly.


    “Sorry.” The apology was automatic, but sounded genuine. Then there was a tired sigh. “Fine, lead the way.”


    Spencer regarded the girl one last time, and then turned and headed towards the clinic.




    The strange blonde woman led her across the square and into the building that Ashley had correctly identified as the town hospital. She followed warily, still unsure as to what the hell the stranger was up to. It was possibly the first time that anyone had shown Ashley the slightest bit of kindness apropos of nothing, even if it was kindness offered with a certain grudging grumpiness.


    Ashley was innately suspicious of the whole damn thing. But her arm hurt, and the cute girl was offering to tend to her, although without the promise of any love involved. She could probably handle being in close proximity to the blonde for awhile longer. It was the most proximity she was likely to get to a good looking girl on the planet.


    She was led into a darkened clinic room where the blonde flicked on a light. It was a medical room, cold and clinical. A metal table stood in the centre of the room and various cupboards around the edges were closed with heavy duty locks. The blonde gestured for Ashley to sit on the table.


    “Up there?” she asked.


    “No, on the floor,” came the sarcastic reply.


    “Well gee, that doesn’t sound very hygienic.” Ashley smiled sweetly.


    The blonde looked at her coolly and then folded her arms. Ashley enjoyed the view, because every time it happened the blonde’s breasts were pushed up just a little further and offered a delicious hint of cleavage. Ashley made a mental note to irritate the blonde a little more often.


    “Up.” The blonde said shortly.


    With a dramatic sigh, Ashley hauled herself up onto the table and offered her arm out with a sad puppy dog look. The blonde didn’t buy it.

    “Take your jacket off.”


    “Ah HAH!” Ashley said triumphantly. “You want to steal my jacket!”

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    1. ok, so i went out and decided to rent firefly so that I could understand this a bit more – and can i just say that firefly’s got nothing on you! Your writing is so much better! yay you! please keep posting. i can’t wait to read the next one!

    2. ok, so i went out and decided to rent firefly so that I could understand this a bit more – and can i just say that firefly’s got nothing on you! Your writing is so much better! yay you! please keep posting. i can’t wait to read the next one!

    3. This is the third amd last time I’m commenting on your stories today! (ok ok I’m afraid it’s making me look a little stalkerish) But anyway this fic is freakin’ awesome man… love in outerspace… AND feisty CAPTAIN Ashley… WoW

    4. This is the third amd last time I’m commenting on your stories today! (ok ok I’m afraid it’s making me look a little stalkerish) But anyway this fic is freakin’ awesome man… love in outerspace… AND feisty CAPTAIN Ashley… WoW

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