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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Aida)


    The blonde rolled her eyes. “Hardly. But the problem is your arm yes? And the jacket is covering your arm… This might be easier if you took it off.”


    “Well if you wanted me to undress, all you had to do was ask nicely.” Ashley winked, enjoying the slight flush that fell across her companions face, and then whisked her jacket off. She laid it neatly on the table next to her.


    “Can I see your arm?” the blonde asked, softly. Ashley nearly jumped at the response her body made to the relatively sweet question. Jesus she had to get laid sometime soon, this was ridiculous. She offered her arm with no protest.


    The girl unwound the rag that Ashley had so carefully tied on her forearm, and then threw it in the bin. The cut on her arm was neat and straight, but deep enough to be throbbing a little with pain. She winced.


    “It’s not too bad.” The girl said. “I can have it fixed in a few minutes.”


    “Sweet.” Ashley said brightly. The girl busied herself with a few cupboards, pulling out things that the brunette didn’t recognize. A question came to mind. “So do I get to know the name of the person who’s fixing me up? I don’t like saying thank you to a nameless face.”


    The blonde turned to look at her. While she did so, Ashley got a better look herself. In the light, the blonde’s hair shone like slender silk. It was pulled back in an easy bun, but tendrils of it were escaping and cascading down the sides of her face, kissing her shoulders. Her eyes were a piercing blue, and radiated intelligence and kindness from deep inside. Her mouth was delicate and pink, entirely kissable in Ashley’s opinion. Not that she was likely to be doing any kissing to it, but it was nice to dream. And to admire.


    The blonde cocked her head to the side in a motion that was all at once adorable, charming and intriguing.


    “Spencer.” She said simply.


    “Dr. Spencer” Ashley grinned back.


    “Dr. Carlin.” Spencer corrected. “Spencer is my first name.”


    Ashley stuck out her good hand. “Ashley. Ashley Davies.” Then she thought about it for a second. “Captain Davies.”


    Spencer let out a small chuckle and smiled, for the first time that Ashley had seen. It was gorgeous.


    Then she reached out and delicately shook Ashley’s hand with a firm grip and soft fingers. “Pleased to meet you Captain Ashley Davies.”

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    1. ok, so i went out and decided to rent firefly so that I could understand this a bit more – and can i just say that firefly’s got nothing on you! Your writing is so much better! yay you! please keep posting. i can’t wait to read the next one!

    2. ok, so i went out and decided to rent firefly so that I could understand this a bit more – and can i just say that firefly’s got nothing on you! Your writing is so much better! yay you! please keep posting. i can’t wait to read the next one!

    3. This is the third amd last time I’m commenting on your stories today! (ok ok I’m afraid it’s making me look a little stalkerish) But anyway this fic is freakin’ awesome man… love in outerspace… AND feisty CAPTAIN Ashley… WoW

    4. This is the third amd last time I’m commenting on your stories today! (ok ok I’m afraid it’s making me look a little stalkerish) But anyway this fic is freakin’ awesome man… love in outerspace… AND feisty CAPTAIN Ashley… WoW

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