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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Der Fleidermouse)


    She was independent, could do exactly as she wanted. So long as her ship was fixed and she was a little fluid with finances, she was the happiest woman on earth. Mind you, a job or two around here would certainly help with her fluidity.


    She snorted again, out loud, startling a purveyor of live fowl. Ashley watched as the woman pitched sideways off her stool and crashed into a cage, causing the door to fly open and a large goose to fly off. This, naturally set all the other birds in the vicinity squawking and cawing, swinging in their cages. A practical explosion of feathers, from masses of birds suddenly rocking in their prisons, filtered through the air, and caused Ashley to laugh loud.


    From the ground, the bird seller glared viciously at Ashley and let out a string of epithets that made the brunette raise one eyebrow.


    “Wow. And that from an inhabitant of a church planet.” Eyeing the woman coldly she leaned over the table. “Not too friendly. Va tu faire foutre.” She grinned and pushed off the table, causing it to rock and another rally of squawks set off. Leaving the feathers to settle behind her, Ashley walked purposefully onwards.


    She only came to a halt when someone, completely not looking where they were going, turned the corner and fell straight into her arms. For a second Ashley wrapped her arms around the figure and teetered, desperately trying to keep them both upright. But it wasn’t to be. They fell over in a pile, Ashley on the bottom and the stranger on top, wiggling a little. The last thing Ashley heard as her ass hit the floor was the cackling of the bird seller, who had clearly seen the whole thing.




    Spencer was entranced. A small boy on a violin was playing a mournful tune while his younger sister plucked out a soothing melody that melded perfectly on her harp. If you listened carefully, it sounded like two different songs, but they wrapped themselves around each other and danced, the two harmonizing. Spencer let her imagination go, and the two melodies danced, fluid and sensual around each other. She almost felt empty when it was over. She smiled warmly at the children, throwing some coin into their upturned bowl and earning herself a cheerful, thankful grin back.

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    1. If you’re floating all 2001 style, I’m totally still one of the fucking monkey’s that learn that they can beat each other with sticks. ::thumps Clom on the noggin::

    2. AT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! i just cant..i dont know what to say. i just love it. eek. i cant wait for more.

    3. Haha. I love that Spencer is so shy and that Ashley is confident. :] It’s amazing the things you do Clom, and I bet you’re even more amazing wen floating around in space. Let me know how it feels to be up there zooming around like that. And oh yeah, update soon. I want to see more of how Spencer reacts and I want to see when the two meet again. I wonder how long Ashley will stay on the planet….

    4. If you’re floating all 2001 style, I’m totally still one of the fucking monkey’s that learn that they can beat each other with sticks. ::thumps Clom on the noggin::

    5. AT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! i just cant..i dont know what to say. i just love it. eek. i cant wait for more.

    6. Haha. I love that Spencer is so shy and that Ashley is confident. :] It’s amazing the things you do Clom, and I bet you’re even more amazing wen floating around in space. Let me know how it feels to be up there zooming around like that. And oh yeah, update soon. I want to see more of how Spencer reacts and I want to see when the two meet again. I wonder how long Ashley will stay on the planet….

    7. Ahhhhhh!!! I adore, adore, adore this fic! Well, I love all of your fics really, =) but I am totally diggin’ this one! I love confident Ashley, she is just tooooo smooth. Hehe PMS.. please?

    8. Ahhhhhh!!! I adore, adore, adore this fic! Well, I love all of your fics really, =) but I am totally diggin’ this one! I love confident Ashley, she is just tooooo smooth. Hehe PMS.. please?

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