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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Der Fleidermouse)


    She walked off, the music still humming in her head. She wondered if this was what being on drugs felt like, this insistent buzz in her head. She rounded the corner of the market stalls and careened straight into the arms of a stranger.


    Spencer felt strong arms move around her, gripping while they rocked back and forth, flailing and attempting to keep upright. Despite the clear strength in the arms, the form pressed against her body was unmistakably female. Breasts on breasts, and just the right number of curves.


    The attempt to stay upright failed miserably. They toppled over and Spencer pitched forward, not landing on the hard surface of the ground but on the soft form of the stranger with which she was now entangled. They landed with an oopmph. For a  second Spencer lay there, breathing heavily and suddenly completely flummoxed by the person she’d fallen on, then she scrambled to her feet, hand on her mouth.


    “Oh my god, I’m so, so, so, sorry!” she blurted out. She could hear a chicken seller laughing the distance. She looked down an the girl she’d run into. There was a tangle of brown curls leading down to a lean, yet somehow curvaceous body clad in a brown jacket and some kind of work pants. Spencer realized she was staring, and then realized that her mouth had gone dry. She blushed furiously and held out her hand, offering it to the girl.


    She watched as the stranger ignored it, picking herself up and dusting herself down. Then Spencer watched as the face she had yet to really see was lifted to her own. It might have been the fall, but she suspected it was the intensity in those brown eyes that really made her breath catch in her throat. Christ. She was beautiful.



    Ashley brushed the dust off her clothes with a wry, angry smile. She didn’t appreciate being flung to the ground by some church wench who couldn’t see where she was going. Ashley made sure she was in one piece before she brought her face up, fierce eyes blazing, ready to give the perpetrator a piece of her mind… and froze.


    She was… gorgeous. In a word. Piercing blue eyes that would melt the strongest ice, and a petite little face framed by blonde tresses. Ashley knew it had been some time since she’d gotten laid but still… this girl was something else. And that something else sapped all the anger from her bones.


    Smiling a little she said, in her most confident voice “That’s ok, no harm done.”


    The cackling from down the alley was starting to get to her. The old woman who sold the birds was getting just a little too much enjoyment over the whole thing. Ashley turned around briefly and swore back at her, the old lady spat and then sat down, laughter over.


    Ashley turned back to face the blonde who was wide eyed with a look of shock. It dawned on the newcomer that it was probably over her language rather than anything else.


    “I’m sorry…” the blonde managed to choke out, “I just didn’t see you.”


    Ashley gave a half twist of a smile and raised an eyebrow. “Well I know the church says some things make you go blind, and this is a church planet and all. I just didn’t figure you for one to do those things, cutie,” she quipped, adding the final word with a small pause.


    She was gratified to see a blush work its way up from the blondes chin until it had rosied out across her whole face. Ashley winked.


    The blonde blushed harder.


    “Uh…” and stuttered. Ashley grinned, she couldn’t help herself.


    “Well I should be on my way, but if you ever feel the need to tackle me to the ground again…” she smiled, “I’ll be around.” And with that, she neatly sidestepped the blushing girl and sashayed off. Even she had to admit she let her hips swing just that tad more than normal.

    ‘My, my, my, they make them young and pretty on this planet.’

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    1. If you’re floating all 2001 style, I’m totally still one of the fucking monkey’s that learn that they can beat each other with sticks. ::thumps Clom on the noggin::

    2. AT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! i just cant..i dont know what to say. i just love it. eek. i cant wait for more.

    3. Haha. I love that Spencer is so shy and that Ashley is confident. :] It’s amazing the things you do Clom, and I bet you’re even more amazing wen floating around in space. Let me know how it feels to be up there zooming around like that. And oh yeah, update soon. I want to see more of how Spencer reacts and I want to see when the two meet again. I wonder how long Ashley will stay on the planet….

    4. If you’re floating all 2001 style, I’m totally still one of the fucking monkey’s that learn that they can beat each other with sticks. ::thumps Clom on the noggin::

    5. AT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! i just cant..i dont know what to say. i just love it. eek. i cant wait for more.

    6. Haha. I love that Spencer is so shy and that Ashley is confident. :] It’s amazing the things you do Clom, and I bet you’re even more amazing wen floating around in space. Let me know how it feels to be up there zooming around like that. And oh yeah, update soon. I want to see more of how Spencer reacts and I want to see when the two meet again. I wonder how long Ashley will stay on the planet….

    7. Ahhhhhh!!! I adore, adore, adore this fic! Well, I love all of your fics really, =) but I am totally diggin’ this one! I love confident Ashley, she is just tooooo smooth. Hehe PMS.. please?

    8. Ahhhhhh!!! I adore, adore, adore this fic! Well, I love all of your fics really, =) but I am totally diggin’ this one! I love confident Ashley, she is just tooooo smooth. Hehe PMS.. please?

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