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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: La Tempeste)


    She’d always been a fervent member of the church, so a church planet had seemed like a good idea at the time. And the icing on the cake: Ben Graham. The local administrator, young, handsome and single. Perfect. And so now he was Spencer’s step father. She supposed she should like him, he was nice enough. He’d always been friendly to the boys and her. He fostered Clay’s brilliant mind and was helping him up the ladder in local administration. He’d paid for Glen’s army commission, and although it led him away to another part of the star system and away from them, the boy seemed to be having the time of his life. If Glen’s letters were anything to go by anyway. And he’d paid for Spencer’s medical schooling. In honesty, he’d done more than he had to and with no requests of his own. Spencer knew she should like him more than she did, but he couldn’t replace her father. Her beloved father.


    Sighing, Spencer stepped out of the security patrol pod that had kindly offered her a lift home and watched the dust curl up around her feet. It was a privilege only afforded because she was family to Ben, and she knew it. She had so much to thank him for and yet… the way her mother and he paraded around, like her father had never existed! It was too much sometimes. She knew her mother loved the security, but still… Arthur Carlin deserved a better memory than this, and Spencer was determined to preserve him in her own.


    Their house was almost ranch style, modern and with all the conveniences that people in the boondocks felt the need to stock themselves with. Like it made them close to the more populated central planets or something. It was like shouting really loudly “Hey, look, we’re not hicks” while turning around and saying “Paw, git the shot gun, them rabbits is at it agin!”. Spencer hated it. She thought it interrupted the flow of the landscape and was pretentious. All about appearances.


    It was square, with a central gate and large central courtyard. That way it could be closed up for security if necessary. Not that anyone had ever come here in the 18 or so years Spencer had lived here. Still, it was pretty, with it’s adobe colours. She did like her room, that she had to admit. Warm colours with red and yellow tapestries and a huge bed. She loved waking up in the morning and seeing the sun come up through their windows. It was beautiful out here, away from the startling white and chrome of the city.


    1. “And he kisses like a dead trout” LMFAO, that just MADE my day. i laughed so hard. (we momentarily interrupt this comment session to state, OMG my mother has a dog carrier thing, one she straps around her and can carry our dog o.0, ok now back to the originally planned broadcast) ok where was I? oh yea i love it, absolutley. i love Ashley, shes so funny *i agree with your authors note* :] and i go agree with goober, ppl will come around. it really is a great fic, to die for. ok now im late for work, ill chat later :]:]:] oh and i cant wait for the next ANYTHING you post.

    2. Hey, I’m definitely liking it. Sure, the space thing made me apprehensive at first, but if it’s a story from you, I know I’ll love it. I mean, I adored “Best For Me”, although at first I thought I’d dislike it, what with Spencer being a mom and all. (Still have no idea what “Firefly” is, though!)

    3. Well I definitly like all your other writing .. and though I couldn’t really get into this in the beginning it’s definitly growing on me. Can’t wait to read more :)

    4. “And he kisses like a dead trout” LMFAO, that just MADE my day. i laughed so hard. (we momentarily interrupt this comment session to state, OMG my mother has a dog carrier thing, one she straps around her and can carry our dog o.0, ok now back to the originally planned broadcast) ok where was I? oh yea i love it, absolutley. i love Ashley, shes so funny *i agree with your authors note* :] and i go agree with goober, ppl will come around. it really is a great fic, to die for. ok now im late for work, ill chat later :]:]:] oh and i cant wait for the next ANYTHING you post.

    5. Hey, I’m definitely liking it. Sure, the space thing made me apprehensive at first, but if it’s a story from you, I know I’ll love it. I mean, I adored “Best For Me”, although at first I thought I’d dislike it, what with Spencer being a mom and all. (Still have no idea what “Firefly” is, though!)

    6. Well I definitly like all your other writing .. and though I couldn’t really get into this in the beginning it’s definitly growing on me. Can’t wait to read more :)

    7. munching on an apple happily. hah can’t resist it after you describe the way spencer ate hers. crispy. lol. and what are you talking about? i love this fic as much as i love the original star wars. it’s fricking brilliant. and we so need a change of scenery right now. so don’t be disheartened mate, people will flock to this fic when they realise what they are missing!! :)

    8. munching on an apple happily. hah can’t resist it after you describe the way spencer ate hers. crispy. lol. and what are you talking about? i love this fic as much as i love the original star wars. it’s fricking brilliant. and we so need a change of scenery right now. so don’t be disheartened mate, people will flock to this fic when they realise what they are missing!! :)

    9. if you’re doing the writing, the story is going to be magnificent. how anyone could not read jut doesn’t make any sense! i’m not into scifi myself and i just love this. LOVE it!

    10. if you’re doing the writing, the story is going to be magnificent. how anyone could not read jut doesn’t make any sense! i’m not into scifi myself and i just love this. LOVE it!

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