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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: La Tempeste)


    “Fine” Spencer replied shortly.


    “Oh Spencer, really.”


    “What? Oh god mother, he’s boring ok. BORING. And he kisses like a dead trout.”




    “Well he does. You asked!”


    “Excitement isn’t everything. There’s a lot to be said for stability you know, it can even be exciting in its own way!” Paula replied, trying to sound convincing.


    “Mother, I’ve done boring all my life. A little excitement wouldn’t go astray. But it’s not going to come from dead trout man, that’s for sure!”


    With that Spencer hopped down off the stool she was perched on and made her way out of the kitchen. She really couldn’t be bothered having this conversation right now. She wandered passed the living room and noted that someone had turned the big vista window to the seaside view again. She flicked the remote and watched as the fake sea and sand rolled away and the huge sight of the mountains at sunset filled the space. Why bother having the most beautiful view in the world if you’re going to constantly switch it to something else? Geez.


    Spencer walked to her bedroom with her mother’s incessant chatter to Ben wafting after her. “I just don’t understand her, she could have everything with Thom….”


    Yeah, everything that worked brilliantly as an anaesthetic. To be honest, Spencer didn’t know what was wrong with her either. She was bored, bored bored. All of a sudden it was crawling all over her and making her want to rip her skin off. Where had this come from?


    ‘From the sudden jolt that went straight through your centre when you saw those incredible brown eyes?’


    Quite probably.


    Spencer fell backwards on her bed and let her arms fall out. Stretching, she stared at the ceiling and closed her eyes. All of a sudden she was back in the bazaar, with its thrilling sounds and haunting scents. And there she was, all around. Curling around Spencer and filling her with a new awareness. The complete stranger that had just waltzed on up and turned her life around with one grin and a wink. Wow… who the hell was she?




    Ashley mused as she sidestepped a pickpocket and gave the little tyke a ‘do you really think that’s going to work’ look. She knew it had been a few months since she’d been laid but holy Buddha, even then she normally didn’t react to a woman like that. She really DID have to find a drink, and possibly something more entertaining than that.


    1. “And he kisses like a dead trout” LMFAO, that just MADE my day. i laughed so hard. (we momentarily interrupt this comment session to state, OMG my mother has a dog carrier thing, one she straps around her and can carry our dog o.0, ok now back to the originally planned broadcast) ok where was I? oh yea i love it, absolutley. i love Ashley, shes so funny *i agree with your authors note* :] and i go agree with goober, ppl will come around. it really is a great fic, to die for. ok now im late for work, ill chat later :]:]:] oh and i cant wait for the next ANYTHING you post.

    2. Hey, I’m definitely liking it. Sure, the space thing made me apprehensive at first, but if it’s a story from you, I know I’ll love it. I mean, I adored “Best For Me”, although at first I thought I’d dislike it, what with Spencer being a mom and all. (Still have no idea what “Firefly” is, though!)

    3. Well I definitly like all your other writing .. and though I couldn’t really get into this in the beginning it’s definitly growing on me. Can’t wait to read more :)

    4. “And he kisses like a dead trout” LMFAO, that just MADE my day. i laughed so hard. (we momentarily interrupt this comment session to state, OMG my mother has a dog carrier thing, one she straps around her and can carry our dog o.0, ok now back to the originally planned broadcast) ok where was I? oh yea i love it, absolutley. i love Ashley, shes so funny *i agree with your authors note* :] and i go agree with goober, ppl will come around. it really is a great fic, to die for. ok now im late for work, ill chat later :]:]:] oh and i cant wait for the next ANYTHING you post.

    5. Hey, I’m definitely liking it. Sure, the space thing made me apprehensive at first, but if it’s a story from you, I know I’ll love it. I mean, I adored “Best For Me”, although at first I thought I’d dislike it, what with Spencer being a mom and all. (Still have no idea what “Firefly” is, though!)

    6. Well I definitly like all your other writing .. and though I couldn’t really get into this in the beginning it’s definitly growing on me. Can’t wait to read more :)

    7. munching on an apple happily. hah can’t resist it after you describe the way spencer ate hers. crispy. lol. and what are you talking about? i love this fic as much as i love the original star wars. it’s fricking brilliant. and we so need a change of scenery right now. so don’t be disheartened mate, people will flock to this fic when they realise what they are missing!! :)

    8. munching on an apple happily. hah can’t resist it after you describe the way spencer ate hers. crispy. lol. and what are you talking about? i love this fic as much as i love the original star wars. it’s fricking brilliant. and we so need a change of scenery right now. so don’t be disheartened mate, people will flock to this fic when they realise what they are missing!! :)

    9. if you’re doing the writing, the story is going to be magnificent. how anyone could not read jut doesn’t make any sense! i’m not into scifi myself and i just love this. LOVE it!

    10. if you’re doing the writing, the story is going to be magnificent. how anyone could not read jut doesn’t make any sense! i’m not into scifi myself and i just love this. LOVE it!

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