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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: La Tempeste)


    She found a seat at the end of the bar, where she could forget to watch her back safely. She could also peruse the rest of the clientele without too much difficulty. They were the usual crowd, low life scum with nothing better to do. What the hell they were doing on a church planet Ashley had no idea. She figured they were probably doing pretty much what she was doing. Waiting for the very second they could get away.


    ‘Or daydreaming about that delectable blonde’


    Yup. Or that. God she’d been hot. Far too white bread and innocent of course, but hot. In a way, Ashley liked that kind. Sure they didn’t do those amazingly dirty and sexual things that some girls could but Jeeaaasus, the look on their face when you made them come almost always made up for it. Like a mixture of shock and awe. Ashley had to admit, she had a thing for breaking in the virginal ones… once you’d seen that look you always seemed to come wandering back for more.


    As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, there was one person Ashley’s gaze kept coming back to. He was sitting in one of the booths, which were meant to accommodate more the one person. But they didn’t, just him. The two guys sitting on chairs so casually nearby were clearly his goons. He was better dressed than the rest of the clientele. A suit, a tie, and sunglasses. Inside. Ashley nearly spluttered her drink out when she noticed that. Apparently this guy was the big cheese around here. A bit player in a tiny backwater, but the person she needed. If she wanted to find work while she was stranded here that is. The fact was, if she wanted to repair her craft better than its current status, and actually limp into the next not so abhorrent port, she was going to need some cash. From the looks of things, this was going to be the guy to ask.


    One of the goons swung around to look at a loud laughing noise on the television and Ashley caught a flash of silver. Definitely the big cheese; his goons were allowed to keep their pieces.


    Turning to the barman she tossed back the rest of her drink and slammed the glass down on the bar. “Two of the same.”


    He raised an eyebrow, but complied wordlessly. Just the way Ashley liked it. Picking up her glass she walked over to the table. She managed to get one of the drinks down and slid across to the man in the suit before two strong gorilla arms grabbed each of her own limbs. She raised an eyebrow at the goons sudden movements and tried not to giggle. It probably wouldn’t give off quite the right message.


    The man in the suit looked at the drink, then flashed a glance at the bartender who nodded almost imperceptibly. A flick of the head from the big cheese and the goons were back in their chairs so fast it was like they’d never left. Ashley’s drink swayed in her glass but remained unspilled. Ok, she was a little impressed, that was some good henchmenage there.


    The man looked at her through her shades and gave her a flicker of a smile. “Are you going to sit down or what?” he asked. His voice was smooth.


    Ashley slid in the bar and kept her distance. She didn’t want him to think she was interested in THAT kind of job. Somehow he didn’t appeal. She mostly stuck to girls, who always seemed that little bit more attractive than your average male. That was because your average male was something akin to a gibbon when it came to conversational ability, personal hygiene and intelligence. Actually that probably wasn’t fair, most gibbons were quite intelligent. Even so, a good looking guy without a shirt could turn her head now and then. Not this guy though, and she was willing to make sure he knew it.


    “This planet’s a little dry” she commented.


    He grunted and said nothing.


    “If someone was looking for a job or two” she began guardedly. “Where might they start looking…” the question dropped, quietly.


    “Well now” Mr. Smooth began, “I think I might be able to help you out there.” His copper plated smile slid out.


    And Ashley smiled back.  


    1. “And he kisses like a dead trout” LMFAO, that just MADE my day. i laughed so hard. (we momentarily interrupt this comment session to state, OMG my mother has a dog carrier thing, one she straps around her and can carry our dog o.0, ok now back to the originally planned broadcast) ok where was I? oh yea i love it, absolutley. i love Ashley, shes so funny *i agree with your authors note* :] and i go agree with goober, ppl will come around. it really is a great fic, to die for. ok now im late for work, ill chat later :]:]:] oh and i cant wait for the next ANYTHING you post.

    2. Hey, I’m definitely liking it. Sure, the space thing made me apprehensive at first, but if it’s a story from you, I know I’ll love it. I mean, I adored “Best For Me”, although at first I thought I’d dislike it, what with Spencer being a mom and all. (Still have no idea what “Firefly” is, though!)

    3. Well I definitly like all your other writing .. and though I couldn’t really get into this in the beginning it’s definitly growing on me. Can’t wait to read more :)

    4. “And he kisses like a dead trout” LMFAO, that just MADE my day. i laughed so hard. (we momentarily interrupt this comment session to state, OMG my mother has a dog carrier thing, one she straps around her and can carry our dog o.0, ok now back to the originally planned broadcast) ok where was I? oh yea i love it, absolutley. i love Ashley, shes so funny *i agree with your authors note* :] and i go agree with goober, ppl will come around. it really is a great fic, to die for. ok now im late for work, ill chat later :]:]:] oh and i cant wait for the next ANYTHING you post.

    5. Hey, I’m definitely liking it. Sure, the space thing made me apprehensive at first, but if it’s a story from you, I know I’ll love it. I mean, I adored “Best For Me”, although at first I thought I’d dislike it, what with Spencer being a mom and all. (Still have no idea what “Firefly” is, though!)

    6. Well I definitly like all your other writing .. and though I couldn’t really get into this in the beginning it’s definitly growing on me. Can’t wait to read more :)

    7. munching on an apple happily. hah can’t resist it after you describe the way spencer ate hers. crispy. lol. and what are you talking about? i love this fic as much as i love the original star wars. it’s fricking brilliant. and we so need a change of scenery right now. so don’t be disheartened mate, people will flock to this fic when they realise what they are missing!! :)

    8. munching on an apple happily. hah can’t resist it after you describe the way spencer ate hers. crispy. lol. and what are you talking about? i love this fic as much as i love the original star wars. it’s fricking brilliant. and we so need a change of scenery right now. so don’t be disheartened mate, people will flock to this fic when they realise what they are missing!! :)

    9. if you’re doing the writing, the story is going to be magnificent. how anyone could not read jut doesn’t make any sense! i’m not into scifi myself and i just love this. LOVE it!

    10. if you’re doing the writing, the story is going to be magnificent. how anyone could not read jut doesn’t make any sense! i’m not into scifi myself and i just love this. LOVE it!

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