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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Lakme)


    Yeah, she probably did, but for the first time in forever she felt rather picky about who she did that with. For preference, the blonde in front of her. She had a feeling that no one else was going to quite come up to scratch any time soon. That was weird, Ashley wasn’t the world’s biggest slut but she’d never been very single minded about her libido. This was new.


    Ashley wrinkled up her nose with a smile and scuffed the floor.


    “I guess I should probably let you get back to work.” She didn’t want to. It was a dumb suggestion. She wanted to stay here and make Spencer grin again.


    Then visions of making Spencer do something else flashed through her brain. They didn’t involve grinning. They did involve the blonde half naked on the bench behind Ashley gasping her pleasure into the air as Ashley pumped into her. They involved Ashley’s mouth rough and heavy on the blonde’s neck as she slid desperately in and out of the girl’s hot wet passage, driving her closer and closer to…


    Holy shit. She was wet now, and very, very horny. That was freakin’ unbelievable. Did they put something in the water on this planet? Christ!


    “I don’t really have a lot of work to do, but I should head back to the wards.” Spencer said. Ashley was sure she detected a note of sadness at their parting. It was somehow heartening. “I’ll walk you out.”


    Ashley raised an eyebrow. “You don’t trust me.”


    Spencer stuck her tongue in her cheek and then grinned. “Not for a second.”


    “Oh!” Ashley faked hurt, putting one hand over her heart and looking sad. “So wounded!”


    Spencer laughed, a beautiful sound that was going to echo in the brunette’s ears for hours. “Come on you goofball.”


    “Goofball?” Ashley nearly fell over with the laughter.


    “What?” Spencer said, sounding genuinely mortified.

    “Nothing… you just sound like… a schoolteacher.”


    Spencer frowned, suddenly grumpy. “Well we can’t all be space captains with illegal side projects.”


    “Ooh, she’s got a temper” Ashley grinned. “I like always did like a biter cutie pie.”


    “Don’t CALL me that!” Spencer protested.


    1. oh snap! dinner with the rents already? and they arent even official? haha well shit! they must skip some steps in the future! the whole space thing is still growing on me, but i’m likin the story. cant wait for the next update

    2. oh snap! dinner with the rents already? and they arent even official? haha well shit! they must skip some steps in the future! the whole space thing is still growing on me, but i’m likin the story. cant wait for the next update

    3. Oh My Damn. Loooooved it!!! (I just said that in a sing-y way. I just sang that. OMG, what is the world coming to? Next time I sing, shoot me) So, anyways, great update. I wonder how long Ashley’s list of things she wants to make Spencer do will be. Haha. That could be easily summed up in a few choice words, but I will leave that to you. :] Yay. You are the master at all things Spashley. PMS please. Please?

    4. Oh My Damn. Loooooved it!!! (I just said that in a sing-y way. I just sang that. OMG, what is the world coming to? Next time I sing, shoot me) So, anyways, great update. I wonder how long Ashley’s list of things she wants to make Spencer do will be. Haha. That could be easily summed up in a few choice words, but I will leave that to you. :] Yay. You are the master at all things Spashley. PMS please. Please?

    5. Man have I told you how much I LOVE this story… can’t wait to see how Paul takes to Ash… I bet the new husband likes Ash lol…. well maybe not I don’t know….. But yeah great update mate :-)

    6. Man have I told you how much I LOVE this story… can’t wait to see how Paul takes to Ash… I bet the new husband likes Ash lol…. well maybe not I don’t know….. But yeah great update mate :-)

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