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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Lakme)




    “Argh.” Spencer crossed her arms, sending her breasts just that bit further heavenward. “You are so frustrating you know that.”


    “Trust me,” Ashley said, her eyes suddenly flashing with seriousness and a hint of danger. She stalked across the floor until she was standing right in front of Spencer. The blonde was leaning back into the bench behind her and the closer Ashley got the more she pressed back. Ashley leaned a hand either side of the girl and leaned in close. Their pant covered legs brushed against each other lightly and Ashley bit back a moan at the sensation. Then she moved so her face was just an inch from Spencer’s. “I wouldn’t leave you frustrated.”


    She watched Spencer’s mouth part in a gasp. They were so close. The blondes eyes drifted down to Ashley’s mouth, watching them with a semi-curious and semi-fearful gaze.


    They shifted, closer than ever, their mouths moving nearer. So tantalizingly close Ashley could taste the sweet, lingering feel of Spencer’s breath on her lips. And then the blonde pushed her away.


    “You have to leave.”


    She’d gone too far. She’d scared her and now Spencer was mad, Ashley could tell.


    “Spencer,” she began.


    “Come on, I’ll walk you out.” Spencer didn’t exactly sound mad, she just sounded strained and determined. There was steel in her voice that Ashley had no intention of testing. She just nodded in agreement and followed the blonde out of the room.


    The pace she set up was blistering, and Ashley nearly had to run to keep up. They reached the front door in no time flat and Ashley was half out of breath. Given that she was pretty damn fit, it suggested that Spencer was pretty keen to get rid of her.


    “Spencer, wait.”


    “I have to get back to work Captain Davies.”


    “It’s Ashley, don’t be silly.” She put a hand out, stopping the blonde from closing the main door in her face. “Thank you.”


    “It’s nothing. Please.”


    Feeling like she’d committed a major crime, and not one that involved delivering a suspicious package, Ashley let Spencer close the door. Then she gave a sad sigh as she watched the blonde stalk off into the depths of the building. Rolling her shoulders in anger at herself, she walked back to her ship.


    1. oh snap! dinner with the rents already? and they arent even official? haha well shit! they must skip some steps in the future! the whole space thing is still growing on me, but i’m likin the story. cant wait for the next update

    2. oh snap! dinner with the rents already? and they arent even official? haha well shit! they must skip some steps in the future! the whole space thing is still growing on me, but i’m likin the story. cant wait for the next update

    3. Oh My Damn. Loooooved it!!! (I just said that in a sing-y way. I just sang that. OMG, what is the world coming to? Next time I sing, shoot me) So, anyways, great update. I wonder how long Ashley’s list of things she wants to make Spencer do will be. Haha. That could be easily summed up in a few choice words, but I will leave that to you. :] Yay. You are the master at all things Spashley. PMS please. Please?

    4. Oh My Damn. Loooooved it!!! (I just said that in a sing-y way. I just sang that. OMG, what is the world coming to? Next time I sing, shoot me) So, anyways, great update. I wonder how long Ashley’s list of things she wants to make Spencer do will be. Haha. That could be easily summed up in a few choice words, but I will leave that to you. :] Yay. You are the master at all things Spashley. PMS please. Please?

    5. Man have I told you how much I LOVE this story… can’t wait to see how Paul takes to Ash… I bet the new husband likes Ash lol…. well maybe not I don’t know….. But yeah great update mate :-)

    6. Man have I told you how much I LOVE this story… can’t wait to see how Paul takes to Ash… I bet the new husband likes Ash lol…. well maybe not I don’t know….. But yeah great update mate :-)

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