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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Lakme)


    “Ashley” she said.


    The brunette was in her usual attire of work slacks and brown jacket. Spencer could see the hint of a white sleeveless top under the coat and felt her mouth dry a little.


    “Uh, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” The brunette said, in a voice that was almost too timid to be her own.


    “No, it’s ok.” Spencer looked at Thom. “Excuse me.”


    “Of course,” he said, feigning charm over the top of his rampant curiosity.


    Spencer took the few strides required to reach Ashley and nodded when the girl indicated outside with her head.


    The fresh air and sunshine on the front steps washed across their faces.


    “Walk with me?” Ashley asked in an unreadable tone.


    “Sure” Spencer said.


    They walked in companionable silence across the square and then into the maze of streets that headed through town. Spencer recognized that they were heading towards the tower of the main shuttle command of the town, towards Ashley’s ship.


    “Is that your boyfriend?” Ashley asked. She must have seen Thom’s hands on Spencer’s shoulders. From that angle it would have looked pretty friendly.


    “Not exactly.” Spencer said, dreading how it sounded. “We’re kind of dating.”


    “Kind of dating?” Now Ashley’s voice had that teasing smile back in it, the one Spencer liked to hear.


    “Well… we’re dating. But not for long.” Spencer couldn’t believe she’d just admitted that.


    “You’re dumping him?” Ashley looked like she was holding back a giggle.


    Spencer blushed and nodded. She shoved her hands in her pockets. “I probably should never have started dating him.”


    “He doesn’t do it for you huh?” the brunette teased.


    Spencer blushed again. “Well, it does lack a certain buzz.”


    “Aw, with that cute little bald head of his and those little flappy jowls?” Ashley smiled. “I’m shocked.”


    “Hey!” Spencer protested. “Appearances aren’t everything.”


    “You’re right, you’re right” Ashley appeased, although they both knew she wasn’t genuine. “But no buzz.”


    “No buzz.” Spencer echoed.


    Then she realized they’d made their way through to the landing dock of the planet. Before them stood crafts of every kind. To the left were all the military vehicles. Only the smaller ones because Orlandio couldn’t accommodate the larger ships, but still, they were bright, shiny and threatening in their looks. Then there were the cargo ships, ranging in size from small to the largest the planet could handle. They also ranged in appearance from pristine to a little more dilapidated. And none more dilapidated than the craft that Ashley stopped in front of.


    For starters it was small. Secondly, it looked like it was held together with duct tape and bits of wire. Thirdly, it was falling to pieces despite the repairs.


    Ashley smiled proudly.


    “This is my baby.”


    “It’s uh… nice.”


    “Nice” Ashley said dumbfounded. “Babe, this isn’t nice. This is everything! You should see it fly.”


    “Can it fly?” Spencer asked demurely.


    “Well…” Ashley bit her lip. “Not right now. But let me tell you, when she’s up to speed, she’s the niftiest thing on two wings. This baby will get you places practically no other ship will.”


    “How often do bits fall off?” Spencer asked with a look of dead pan seriousness.


    “Um.. fairly often?” Ashley ventured with a small smile.

    ”I like it” Spencer laughed. “It has character.”


    “It does that.” Ashley said proudly, patting the side of the ship lovingly. Leaning on it she glanced at Spencer. “I’m sorry for yesterday, I didn’t mean to upset you.”


    “It’s ok.” Spencer said, letting her gaze drift over the ship in an effort to be looking anywhere but the sexy brunette. “I’m not upset.”


    “Still. You did me a huge favour, fixing my arm and all.”

    “Really it’s ok.”


    Ashley smiled and let out a small puff of air in thanks.


    “Ash.” Spencer ventured.

    ”Mmm” came the reply.


    “Will you have dinner at my house sometime this week?”


    “Uh…” the brunette looked floored. Completely floored. “Sure.”



    1. oh snap! dinner with the rents already? and they arent even official? haha well shit! they must skip some steps in the future! the whole space thing is still growing on me, but i’m likin the story. cant wait for the next update

    2. oh snap! dinner with the rents already? and they arent even official? haha well shit! they must skip some steps in the future! the whole space thing is still growing on me, but i’m likin the story. cant wait for the next update

    3. Oh My Damn. Loooooved it!!! (I just said that in a sing-y way. I just sang that. OMG, what is the world coming to? Next time I sing, shoot me) So, anyways, great update. I wonder how long Ashley’s list of things she wants to make Spencer do will be. Haha. That could be easily summed up in a few choice words, but I will leave that to you. :] Yay. You are the master at all things Spashley. PMS please. Please?

    4. Oh My Damn. Loooooved it!!! (I just said that in a sing-y way. I just sang that. OMG, what is the world coming to? Next time I sing, shoot me) So, anyways, great update. I wonder how long Ashley’s list of things she wants to make Spencer do will be. Haha. That could be easily summed up in a few choice words, but I will leave that to you. :] Yay. You are the master at all things Spashley. PMS please. Please?

    5. Man have I told you how much I LOVE this story… can’t wait to see how Paul takes to Ash… I bet the new husband likes Ash lol…. well maybe not I don’t know….. But yeah great update mate :-)

    6. Man have I told you how much I LOVE this story… can’t wait to see how Paul takes to Ash… I bet the new husband likes Ash lol…. well maybe not I don’t know….. But yeah great update mate :-)

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