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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: The Barber of SEville)


    Then there was that girl… Why couldn’t she stop thinking about her? She was clearly an off planeter. Someone so out of place on Orlandio. Spencer wanted to talk to her, learn her story, live a little vicariously. She could smell the excitement coming off the girl. That, and a hint of vanilla mixed with engine oil. That shouldn’t have been an enticing smell, it should have been off putting. It wasn’t, and it had lingered in her nose and brain for far too long.


    Spencer sighed, yet again, and then checked on Mrs. Dolphin. The lady was getting just about the most intricate, careful medical care possible, because she was in fact the only inpatient the hospital had. Spencer checked on her roughly every hour, between bouts of staring out the window. Nothing had changed, she was still fast asleep. Her vitals were exactly what they’d been an hour ago. From the looks of it, the nurses were still deep in their card game, just as bored as Spencer.


    “I’m going for a walk” she said softly, to the head nurse. “My pager is on and I won’t go out of range.”


    The nurse nodded curtly. Spencer tucked her hands into her white coat and headed off in to the cooling night air.


    She couldn’t go too far, lest her pager go out of range, but the church and it’s little gardens were just across the main cathedral square. From experience, Spencer knew that she could safely spend some time there and not have to worry too much about it. Besides, Mrs. Dolphin was sleeping the sleep of the rather too well to be in hospital and unlikely to wake until breakfast.


    The square was dark. The silvery moonlight was drifting behind wisps of clouds and making the whole area look mysterious. There was an edge to the air, a chill, and an almost sense of danger. It was an illusion of course, Spencer knew that. She was making it up in her head. She couldn’t have been safer if she tried. She’d nodded at the Church guards standing in front of the hospital, and she nodded again at the guards in front of the Cathedral. There’d be two more wandering around the vicinity on patrol. One scream and she’d bring all six running in seconds. Not to mention the fact that there was nothing imaginable out there to cause her to scream. Still, imaginary excitement was better than imaginary boredom, or real boredom, both of which were palpably real.


    1. Spashley in space just makes everything a bit more sexy. LOVE this story. I think its time for Ashley to corrupt Spencer a bit eh? but in a really really good way ;)

    2. i wanna know whats in the package..but it was prolly just air..and but in the story to make everything interesting, which will ultimately drive me crazy, so good job. but i loved it. ghey church..but they are beautiful. i loved it and i want ANOTHER chapter NOW, or you know later..when its convient for you. :] i lug you AT. muchoness

    3. Wooot! Excitement. Exactly what she needed. Now she can possibly come to her senses and realize that her life on this church planet sux! All she needs to do is hop on Ashley’s ship, make passionate love to her, and ride away happily ever after. Hehe. :) That’s me for you. Update soon please, I’d be much obliged.

    4. Hmmm Wonder what Mr. Smooth and the Deacon are up too… trafficing drugs… jewels… Weapons of Mass Destruction… Spencer and Ashley’s happiness??? Nice update mate. More SOON!!! PLEASE

    5. Spashley in space just makes everything a bit more sexy. LOVE this story. I think its time for Ashley to corrupt Spencer a bit eh? but in a really really good way ;)

    6. i wanna know whats in the package..but it was prolly just air..and but in the story to make everything interesting, which will ultimately drive me crazy, so good job. but i loved it. ghey church..but they are beautiful. i loved it and i want ANOTHER chapter NOW, or you know later..when its convient for you. :] i lug you AT. muchoness

    7. Wooot! Excitement. Exactly what she needed. Now she can possibly come to her senses and realize that her life on this church planet sux! All she needs to do is hop on Ashley’s ship, make passionate love to her, and ride away happily ever after. Hehe. :) That’s me for you. Update soon please, I’d be much obliged.

    8. Hmmm Wonder what Mr. Smooth and the Deacon are up too… trafficing drugs… jewels… Weapons of Mass Destruction… Spencer and Ashley’s happiness??? Nice update mate. More SOON!!! PLEASE

    9. woh-uh mystery, suspense, comedy and romantic all rolled into one brilliant fic!!! i really truly adore this story. no kidding just after a few chapters in, i’m totally hooked. i like that there’s something going on just beneath the surface, and not just your ordinary lovey-dovey story again. amazing job mate!! keep on posting! :)

    10. woh-uh mystery, suspense, comedy and romantic all rolled into one brilliant fic!!! i really truly adore this story. no kidding just after a few chapters in, i’m totally hooked. i like that there’s something going on just beneath the surface, and not just your ordinary lovey-dovey story again. amazing job mate!! keep on posting! :)

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