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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: The Barber of SEville)


    Spencer slid into the shadows on the side of the Cathedral and into the small gardens there. She spent some time watching the water on the ornamental lake do absolutely nothing before getting bored. It was pretty in the day time, a calm and sentimental place. At night it was dark and flat. All shadow and mist.


    Making a face to herself, she made her way back around the side of the Cathedral and reached the main doors. They were huge, attesting to the size of the total structure. The white building reaching for the sky, peaked in a neat wooden framed roof. Its chrome and white bell tower reached higher still, the highest building on the planet. It had been designed that way and would always remains so, decreed by the authorities.


    The main doors were only thrown open on Sundays and special occasions, allowing the soaring magnificence of the inner sanctums to be revealed to the sun and sky. On other days, heavy and sombre, they stayed firmly shut. They had, of course, a small inset door in them, allowing day to day entry, and it was never locked.


    It was through this that Spencer scurried, looking for some warmth and a reflective place to think a little about things. The cathedral was beautiful, lit duskily by gas lamps and candles. They cast shadow, but radiated a beautiful glow that bounced off the stained glass windows adorning the structure. On sunny days it was filled with blazing light, and on cold nights like this, it was shrouded in welcoming warmth.


    Keeping to the sides she moved towards the small chapel she knew came just off the right hand of the church. It was a private place, somewhere she considered holy and personal. She was the only person visible right now, and although there would be an attendant awake somewhere, they were probably out in the offices. She was the only person here.


    Or so she thought. It was the barest of noises that brought it to her attention. A scruffy sound from the shadows that made her stop. Whoever was there couldn’t help but be aware of her own presence, although they likely hadn’t seen her face yet. On the other hand, she had no idea who they were. Glancing down, Spencer could make out the outline of a boot on the floor, about ten metres away. Praising god for her naturally sharp sight she stared at it. There was something about the situation that screamed at her. When the intruder finally stepped out of the shadow and looked straight at her, it was all Spencer could do to stifle a scream with her hand.


    1. Spashley in space just makes everything a bit more sexy. LOVE this story. I think its time for Ashley to corrupt Spencer a bit eh? but in a really really good way ;)

    2. i wanna know whats in the package..but it was prolly just air..and but in the story to make everything interesting, which will ultimately drive me crazy, so good job. but i loved it. ghey church..but they are beautiful. i loved it and i want ANOTHER chapter NOW, or you know later..when its convient for you. :] i lug you AT. muchoness

    3. Wooot! Excitement. Exactly what she needed. Now she can possibly come to her senses and realize that her life on this church planet sux! All she needs to do is hop on Ashley’s ship, make passionate love to her, and ride away happily ever after. Hehe. :) That’s me for you. Update soon please, I’d be much obliged.

    4. Hmmm Wonder what Mr. Smooth and the Deacon are up too… trafficing drugs… jewels… Weapons of Mass Destruction… Spencer and Ashley’s happiness??? Nice update mate. More SOON!!! PLEASE

    5. Spashley in space just makes everything a bit more sexy. LOVE this story. I think its time for Ashley to corrupt Spencer a bit eh? but in a really really good way ;)

    6. i wanna know whats in the package..but it was prolly just air..and but in the story to make everything interesting, which will ultimately drive me crazy, so good job. but i loved it. ghey church..but they are beautiful. i loved it and i want ANOTHER chapter NOW, or you know later..when its convient for you. :] i lug you AT. muchoness

    7. Wooot! Excitement. Exactly what she needed. Now she can possibly come to her senses and realize that her life on this church planet sux! All she needs to do is hop on Ashley’s ship, make passionate love to her, and ride away happily ever after. Hehe. :) That’s me for you. Update soon please, I’d be much obliged.

    8. Hmmm Wonder what Mr. Smooth and the Deacon are up too… trafficing drugs… jewels… Weapons of Mass Destruction… Spencer and Ashley’s happiness??? Nice update mate. More SOON!!! PLEASE

    9. woh-uh mystery, suspense, comedy and romantic all rolled into one brilliant fic!!! i really truly adore this story. no kidding just after a few chapters in, i’m totally hooked. i like that there’s something going on just beneath the surface, and not just your ordinary lovey-dovey story again. amazing job mate!! keep on posting! :)

    10. woh-uh mystery, suspense, comedy and romantic all rolled into one brilliant fic!!! i really truly adore this story. no kidding just after a few chapters in, i’m totally hooked. i like that there’s something going on just beneath the surface, and not just your ordinary lovey-dovey story again. amazing job mate!! keep on posting! :)

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