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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: The Barber of SEville)




    The job was simple. Deliver the package. Ashley wondered if she shouldn’t have asked more questions. Her modus operandi was to ask as few as possible. The less she knew usually meant the less she could get in trouble for. Ignorance was quite often the best possible excuse. Somehow this seemed too easy though, and her gut instinct told her that she should have enquired a little closer. Mr. Smooth didn’t look like he liked questions though, and it really was a very simple job.


    It didn’t require flight, it was an in-planet thing. Or was that on-planet? Either way, it was too easy. Pick up the package from the house. Walk the package to the drop off point. Find the person who thought she was called Frank, hand them the package, and get the receipt. Take the receipt back to Mr. Smooth and collect her money. No questions, no fuss and no problems. If she proved useful, there could be more jobs in it for her.


    Ashley wasn’t stupid. She knew whatever was in that package couldn’t have been anywhere near the obvious side of legal. On the other hand, she wasn’t going to open it and find out. What she didn’t know, couldn’t hurt her as much as what she did. Besides, it wasn’t a big package. She could hide it fairly easily about her person, and ditch it if necessary. It was one of the less dangerous things she’d had to do. Worse came to worse, she already had the backup story in her head.


    “But someone walked up to me and asked if I was Frank! My given name is Francis so I said yes! Then they handed me this package! I swear, I was about to open it when you showed up.” Flutter, flutter of the eyelashes and on her way she would go. Always give yourself a good story, makes for an easier getaway. And it was more fun.


    Rolling her shoulders she leaned up against the siding of her cabin and inspected her finger nails. There were a few hours left until the drop off was to be made. The package was sitting beside her bunk, neatly wrapped. For the first time in forever Ashley had a wave of curiosity and she fought back the urge to open it and have a peek.


    1. Spashley in space just makes everything a bit more sexy. LOVE this story. I think its time for Ashley to corrupt Spencer a bit eh? but in a really really good way ;)

    2. i wanna know whats in the package..but it was prolly just air..and but in the story to make everything interesting, which will ultimately drive me crazy, so good job. but i loved it. ghey church..but they are beautiful. i loved it and i want ANOTHER chapter NOW, or you know later..when its convient for you. :] i lug you AT. muchoness

    3. Wooot! Excitement. Exactly what she needed. Now she can possibly come to her senses and realize that her life on this church planet sux! All she needs to do is hop on Ashley’s ship, make passionate love to her, and ride away happily ever after. Hehe. :) That’s me for you. Update soon please, I’d be much obliged.

    4. Hmmm Wonder what Mr. Smooth and the Deacon are up too… trafficing drugs… jewels… Weapons of Mass Destruction… Spencer and Ashley’s happiness??? Nice update mate. More SOON!!! PLEASE

    5. Spashley in space just makes everything a bit more sexy. LOVE this story. I think its time for Ashley to corrupt Spencer a bit eh? but in a really really good way ;)

    6. i wanna know whats in the package..but it was prolly just air..and but in the story to make everything interesting, which will ultimately drive me crazy, so good job. but i loved it. ghey church..but they are beautiful. i loved it and i want ANOTHER chapter NOW, or you know later..when its convient for you. :] i lug you AT. muchoness

    7. Wooot! Excitement. Exactly what she needed. Now she can possibly come to her senses and realize that her life on this church planet sux! All she needs to do is hop on Ashley’s ship, make passionate love to her, and ride away happily ever after. Hehe. :) That’s me for you. Update soon please, I’d be much obliged.

    8. Hmmm Wonder what Mr. Smooth and the Deacon are up too… trafficing drugs… jewels… Weapons of Mass Destruction… Spencer and Ashley’s happiness??? Nice update mate. More SOON!!! PLEASE

    9. woh-uh mystery, suspense, comedy and romantic all rolled into one brilliant fic!!! i really truly adore this story. no kidding just after a few chapters in, i’m totally hooked. i like that there’s something going on just beneath the surface, and not just your ordinary lovey-dovey story again. amazing job mate!! keep on posting! :)

    10. woh-uh mystery, suspense, comedy and romantic all rolled into one brilliant fic!!! i really truly adore this story. no kidding just after a few chapters in, i’m totally hooked. i like that there’s something going on just beneath the surface, and not just your ordinary lovey-dovey story again. amazing job mate!! keep on posting! :)

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