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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: The Barber of SEville)


    ‘Not a good idea for self preservation Davies’


    She spent some time fiddling with her engine, trying to fine tune it as best she could with the second hand parts she’d picked up. She earned herself a nasty cut on her arm for her troubles, but she’d had worse. Wrapping it in the cleanest rag she could find, she swore for awhile to make herself feel better.


    A little brightened by her oratory outburst, she shrugged on her brown jacket and dark pants, laced up her black boots and slid out into the night.


    There was minimal moonlight to guide the way but that didn’t bother Ashley. She had a knack for memorising places on the first go, and she probably could have found her way around the whole city with her eyes closed by now. She certainly could find her way to the cathedral, as it towered over the central square of the town. She arrived in shadow and stuck to it. The hospital gleamed in a silvery finger of moonlight that peeked out from behind a cloud, and then was lost.


    The guards were stupid. All guards were stupid in Ashley’s opinion but these ones were easy to avoid. She was inside, unseen and unheard before they could have turned to watch the whispering of a leaf float across the church steps. Inside, there were shadows everywhere, lit by shimmering candle light. She found a convenient niche, and waited.


    There were dull seconds mixed in amongst the crazily boring moments. Ashley hated waiting, but it was part of the game right. She shifted carefully and leaned back against the wall, trying to remain in darkness. Then, as though her thoughts had willed it, there was the unmistakeable creak of the door opening. She waited until the footsteps had come close, and then stopped. Peering out from the shadows she spotted a face that was so familiar it was almost frightening.


    It was the girl from the market. Clad efficiently against the cold, Ashley could see that the girl was wearing a white coat under her jacket. Clearly from the hospital across the way. And although she had no reason to confirm it, somehow Ashley knew that this girl wasn’t going to call her Frank. But she was going to break her cover.


    1. Spashley in space just makes everything a bit more sexy. LOVE this story. I think its time for Ashley to corrupt Spencer a bit eh? but in a really really good way ;)

    2. i wanna know whats in the package..but it was prolly just air..and but in the story to make everything interesting, which will ultimately drive me crazy, so good job. but i loved it. ghey church..but they are beautiful. i loved it and i want ANOTHER chapter NOW, or you know later..when its convient for you. :] i lug you AT. muchoness

    3. Wooot! Excitement. Exactly what she needed. Now she can possibly come to her senses and realize that her life on this church planet sux! All she needs to do is hop on Ashley’s ship, make passionate love to her, and ride away happily ever after. Hehe. :) That’s me for you. Update soon please, I’d be much obliged.

    4. Hmmm Wonder what Mr. Smooth and the Deacon are up too… trafficing drugs… jewels… Weapons of Mass Destruction… Spencer and Ashley’s happiness??? Nice update mate. More SOON!!! PLEASE

    5. Spashley in space just makes everything a bit more sexy. LOVE this story. I think its time for Ashley to corrupt Spencer a bit eh? but in a really really good way ;)

    6. i wanna know whats in the package..but it was prolly just air..and but in the story to make everything interesting, which will ultimately drive me crazy, so good job. but i loved it. ghey church..but they are beautiful. i loved it and i want ANOTHER chapter NOW, or you know later..when its convient for you. :] i lug you AT. muchoness

    7. Wooot! Excitement. Exactly what she needed. Now she can possibly come to her senses and realize that her life on this church planet sux! All she needs to do is hop on Ashley’s ship, make passionate love to her, and ride away happily ever after. Hehe. :) That’s me for you. Update soon please, I’d be much obliged.

    8. Hmmm Wonder what Mr. Smooth and the Deacon are up too… trafficing drugs… jewels… Weapons of Mass Destruction… Spencer and Ashley’s happiness??? Nice update mate. More SOON!!! PLEASE

    9. woh-uh mystery, suspense, comedy and romantic all rolled into one brilliant fic!!! i really truly adore this story. no kidding just after a few chapters in, i’m totally hooked. i like that there’s something going on just beneath the surface, and not just your ordinary lovey-dovey story again. amazing job mate!! keep on posting! :)

    10. woh-uh mystery, suspense, comedy and romantic all rolled into one brilliant fic!!! i really truly adore this story. no kidding just after a few chapters in, i’m totally hooked. i like that there’s something going on just beneath the surface, and not just your ordinary lovey-dovey story again. amazing job mate!! keep on posting! :)

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