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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: The Marriage of Figaro)


    She was just considering how to attract the attention of the brunette, or at least, where on the ship to knock without causing something to fall off, when the hatch opened. Ashley’s brown curls popped out, first looking at the sky and then realizing that Spencer was standing there, down to the blonde. Spencer was gratified to see the smile that spread across the brunette at their greeting. She felt a shiver run through her just for that smile.


    “Hey!” Ashley said brightly. “You been here long?”


    “Just got here” Spencer replied, tipping her head to one side in an unconscious gesture. She was about to ask if Ashley was ready but then she took in the rest of the girls appearance. She was dressed in a sleeveless top, lean muscles apparent in her upper arms. Skating over that though with a dry mouth, Spencer’s eyes drifted to the grease stained nature of the girl’s hands. “You’re busy?”


    “My part came in” Ashley grinned, “Just putting it in. This baby is good to go.” She thumped the side of the ship lightly. A small plain of mud slid off the top and landed in a heap on the ground.


    “You’re leaving?” All other thoughts swept from Spencer’s mind. Ashley was leaving? What? No! They’d only just met!


    “Not for a few days” Ashley said, hands up in defense. “Or sooner if the morons in there move me on.” The brunette flicked a gesture to the space port tower, and then made air quotation marks around the phrase ‘move me on’. “Don’t panic, I don’t plan on going anywhere for awhile.” She winked at Spencer.


    Spencer could feel the blush rising from her neck at the motion. She cleared her throat. “Dinner?”


    “Yup, give me five minutes to clean up.” Ashley smiled brightly and then ducked back in the craft.


    True to her word, she was only five minutes. She turned up, surprisingly clean and with a neat shirt on. It was still covered by the ubiquitous brown jacket, but then it seemed to be a part of the girl rather than just an item of clothing. Ashley jumped down from the ship and shut the hatch. As she pulled up next to Spencer, ready to go, the blonde caught a whiff of the girls perfume and nearly fainted.


    1. can i just say that i totally agree with tay…you left it there!!!! come on clomle…well i just can’t wait to see where it goes. please update soon! oh, and by the way. i’m loving these updates everyday!

    2. . . . Damn cliff hangers. And I bet they’re going to get interupted. No question about it. As much as I would love them not to be, they still are. Or at least that is my prediction. Geeez Clom, hurry up and post more. :] Please? I’d love you forever, I’d love you even longer then I already do. Wooo. :] PMS please.

    3. ohh that’s mean!! you’re a meanie!! how can you leave us hanging like that?? i sure hope they get to kiss! they wont be interrupted again will they? and if you dont know by now… I LOVE THIS FIC!!! mucho lug AT! :D

    4. can i just say that i totally agree with tay…you left it there!!!! come on clomle…well i just can’t wait to see where it goes. please update soon! oh, and by the way. i’m loving these updates everyday!

    5. . . . Damn cliff hangers. And I bet they’re going to get interupted. No question about it. As much as I would love them not to be, they still are. Or at least that is my prediction. Geeez Clom, hurry up and post more. :] Please? I’d love you forever, I’d love you even longer then I already do. Wooo. :] PMS please.

    6. ohh that’s mean!! you’re a meanie!! how can you leave us hanging like that?? i sure hope they get to kiss! they wont be interrupted again will they? and if you dont know by now… I LOVE THIS FIC!!! mucho lug AT! :D

    7. ashley! what a dirty habit, not keeping one’s nails thoroughly cleaned! my dad even had a nightmare about having dirty nails once… lame. he’s metro! but anyway, wonderful update. thanks for two so quick!

    8. ashley! what a dirty habit, not keeping one’s nails thoroughly cleaned! my dad even had a nightmare about having dirty nails once… lame. he’s metro! but anyway, wonderful update. thanks for two so quick!

    9. you…you left it THERE!? WHAT?! ARE..WHAT?! HOW?! how could you do that to me clomle? how could you be so mean lol. cmon now! haha great update, most definitely!!

    10. you…you left it THERE!? WHAT?! ARE..WHAT?! HOW?! how could you do that to me clomle? how could you be so mean lol. cmon now! haha great update, most definitely!!

    11. You’re a tease!!! YOU KNOW THAT???? A damn tease! ;) You can’t leave it there! That’s mean.. And there’s nothing worse than a mean tease! Sorry… anyway… loved it… I actually thought Spence’s step-dad was going to be the evil dude that hired Ash to deliver the package… Glad it wasn’t :) Update soon…. please

    12. You’re a tease!!! YOU KNOW THAT???? A damn tease! ;) You can’t leave it there! That’s mean.. And there’s nothing worse than a mean tease! Sorry… anyway… loved it… I actually thought Spence’s step-dad was going to be the evil dude that hired Ash to deliver the package… Glad it wasn’t :) Update soon…. please

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