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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: The Marriage of Figaro)


    ‘Get a grip Spence. You have to spend the whole evening with her.’


    “Shall we go?” The brunette said, crinkling her nose adorably with a smile.


    Spencer smiled back, and led the way.


    Given the mud and debris around from the day of rain, Spencer was glad she’d organised a shuttle out to the ranch. Ashley looked at the craft with half a look of fascination, and half a look of expectation; like she expected it to explode. The guards tipped their hats respectfully as they dropped them off and then hovered back to town. Ashley gave Spencer a look and raised an eyebrow,


    “Someone’s important.”


    “Not me,” Spencer smirked. “My stepfather. Usually I hate it, but sometimes it comes in handy, like when it rains.”

    “Good point.” Ashley grinned. “I usually just drive myself.”


    “Well we don’t all have your good fortune.” Spencer parried. “Come and meet the firing squad.”


    “Well,” murmured Ashley as she followed Spencer inside, the blonde just catching the comment on the edge of sound. “That sounds like fun.”


    Paula must have been waiting because she was at the door of the formal living room the second they entered the front door. Spencer rolled her eyes at her mother’s obvious anticipation, and then hung up her coat. She offered out a hand for Ashley’s, although the brunette looked reluctant to surrender it, and then hung it up too. Time for introductions.


    “Ashley, this is my mother, Paula Graham. Mom, this is Captain Ashley Davies.”


    No one missed the deliberate inclusion of the titles. Or the very steel edge in Spencer’s voice as she performed the duties. Ashley politely reached out a hand and shook Paula’s. “Pleased to meet you Ma’am. You have a lovely house.”


    “Thank-you” Paula murmured. She glanced down and then all three girls realized that there was a small line of grime under just one of Ashley’s nails. A perfectly manicured eyebrow raised. “Do come in.”


    Spencer rolled her eyes again and nodded, heading into the living room.


    Paula played gracious host, Ashley played slightly dumbfounded guest, and Spencer got a headache from rolling her eyes a lot. Her mother was being a complete idiot and poor Ashley was just having to put up with it.


    1. can i just say that i totally agree with tay…you left it there!!!! come on clomle…well i just can’t wait to see where it goes. please update soon! oh, and by the way. i’m loving these updates everyday!

    2. . . . Damn cliff hangers. And I bet they’re going to get interupted. No question about it. As much as I would love them not to be, they still are. Or at least that is my prediction. Geeez Clom, hurry up and post more. :] Please? I’d love you forever, I’d love you even longer then I already do. Wooo. :] PMS please.

    3. ohh that’s mean!! you’re a meanie!! how can you leave us hanging like that?? i sure hope they get to kiss! they wont be interrupted again will they? and if you dont know by now… I LOVE THIS FIC!!! mucho lug AT! :D

    4. can i just say that i totally agree with tay…you left it there!!!! come on clomle…well i just can’t wait to see where it goes. please update soon! oh, and by the way. i’m loving these updates everyday!

    5. . . . Damn cliff hangers. And I bet they’re going to get interupted. No question about it. As much as I would love them not to be, they still are. Or at least that is my prediction. Geeez Clom, hurry up and post more. :] Please? I’d love you forever, I’d love you even longer then I already do. Wooo. :] PMS please.

    6. ohh that’s mean!! you’re a meanie!! how can you leave us hanging like that?? i sure hope they get to kiss! they wont be interrupted again will they? and if you dont know by now… I LOVE THIS FIC!!! mucho lug AT! :D

    7. ashley! what a dirty habit, not keeping one’s nails thoroughly cleaned! my dad even had a nightmare about having dirty nails once… lame. he’s metro! but anyway, wonderful update. thanks for two so quick!

    8. ashley! what a dirty habit, not keeping one’s nails thoroughly cleaned! my dad even had a nightmare about having dirty nails once… lame. he’s metro! but anyway, wonderful update. thanks for two so quick!

    9. you…you left it THERE!? WHAT?! ARE..WHAT?! HOW?! how could you do that to me clomle? how could you be so mean lol. cmon now! haha great update, most definitely!!

    10. you…you left it THERE!? WHAT?! ARE..WHAT?! HOW?! how could you do that to me clomle? how could you be so mean lol. cmon now! haha great update, most definitely!!

    11. You’re a tease!!! YOU KNOW THAT???? A damn tease! ;) You can’t leave it there! That’s mean.. And there’s nothing worse than a mean tease! Sorry… anyway… loved it… I actually thought Spence’s step-dad was going to be the evil dude that hired Ash to deliver the package… Glad it wasn’t :) Update soon…. please

    12. You’re a tease!!! YOU KNOW THAT???? A damn tease! ;) You can’t leave it there! That’s mean.. And there’s nothing worse than a mean tease! Sorry… anyway… loved it… I actually thought Spence’s step-dad was going to be the evil dude that hired Ash to deliver the package… Glad it wasn’t :) Update soon…. please

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