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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: The Marriage of Figaro)


    They wound a path away from the ranch, up a slight incline. To the right and left in the distance, ragged peaks rose away, but in front it looked flat. Ashley frowned, were they just going to walk up a flat bit.


    Ten minutes later Spencer came to a halt and Ashley gasped. The earth had suddenly dropped away, and Ashley realized they’d been walking up to the edge of a huge cliff. It was framed on either side by the ragged peaks the swept off to both the left and the right, but in front… Well that was just amazing. In the pale moonlight, the valley swung out before them. It was never ending, the horizon a distant line. It was breath taking.


    “Yeah, I love it too.” Spencer said with amusement in her tone. “You should see it at sunset.


    “You’ll have to show it to me” Ashley flirted back. Spencer blushed and the brunette grinned. Then the other girl led her to a rocky outcropping and they sat, staring off into the distance.


    “Sorry about my mother.” Spencer apologized grimly. “She’s a snob and sometimes I wonder if we’re related. Then occasionally, she’s the mother I used to know and I miss her.”


    Ashley felt her heart tug a little at the honest emotion in the statement. She had a feeling that Spencer hadn’t intended to be so open, but she was glad she was.


    “It’s ok. She really wasn’t that bad.” Ashley said. She shuffled closer to the blonde, out of comfort rather than anything else.


    “You’re very kind” Spencer said, giving the brunette a nudge with her shoulder.


    “Pfft. That’s the first time anyone’s said THAT!” Ashley laughed. “Kind isn’t usually the word associated with me. There are much better words.”


    “Oh really.” Spencer arched an eyebrow.


    “Uh huh” Ash said, feigning innocence.


    “Like?” Spencer played along.


    “Oh, you know.” Said Ashley expansively. “Brilliant, daring, sexy.”


    “Sexy?” Spencer grinned.


    Ashley leaned in closer, bringing her face within inches of the blonde, almost daring her to begin the kiss they both knew was coming. “Hell yeah.”


    “Well…” Spencer breathed, shifting a little closer.


    “Mmmm” No interruptions this time. Nothing to stop them.


    “I guess I should be the judge of that.” Spencer said throatily, mere millimeters away. They were so close that Ashley could no longer see her face, concentrating completely on the luscious lips so near her own.


    “Uh huh” she managed to reply with a croak. “Your verdict.”


    Spencer closed the distance.


    1. can i just say that i totally agree with tay…you left it there!!!! come on clomle…well i just can’t wait to see where it goes. please update soon! oh, and by the way. i’m loving these updates everyday!

    2. . . . Damn cliff hangers. And I bet they’re going to get interupted. No question about it. As much as I would love them not to be, they still are. Or at least that is my prediction. Geeez Clom, hurry up and post more. :] Please? I’d love you forever, I’d love you even longer then I already do. Wooo. :] PMS please.

    3. ohh that’s mean!! you’re a meanie!! how can you leave us hanging like that?? i sure hope they get to kiss! they wont be interrupted again will they? and if you dont know by now… I LOVE THIS FIC!!! mucho lug AT! :D

    4. can i just say that i totally agree with tay…you left it there!!!! come on clomle…well i just can’t wait to see where it goes. please update soon! oh, and by the way. i’m loving these updates everyday!

    5. . . . Damn cliff hangers. And I bet they’re going to get interupted. No question about it. As much as I would love them not to be, they still are. Or at least that is my prediction. Geeez Clom, hurry up and post more. :] Please? I’d love you forever, I’d love you even longer then I already do. Wooo. :] PMS please.

    6. ohh that’s mean!! you’re a meanie!! how can you leave us hanging like that?? i sure hope they get to kiss! they wont be interrupted again will they? and if you dont know by now… I LOVE THIS FIC!!! mucho lug AT! :D

    7. ashley! what a dirty habit, not keeping one’s nails thoroughly cleaned! my dad even had a nightmare about having dirty nails once… lame. he’s metro! but anyway, wonderful update. thanks for two so quick!

    8. ashley! what a dirty habit, not keeping one’s nails thoroughly cleaned! my dad even had a nightmare about having dirty nails once… lame. he’s metro! but anyway, wonderful update. thanks for two so quick!

    9. you…you left it THERE!? WHAT?! ARE..WHAT?! HOW?! how could you do that to me clomle? how could you be so mean lol. cmon now! haha great update, most definitely!!

    10. you…you left it THERE!? WHAT?! ARE..WHAT?! HOW?! how could you do that to me clomle? how could you be so mean lol. cmon now! haha great update, most definitely!!

    11. You’re a tease!!! YOU KNOW THAT???? A damn tease! ;) You can’t leave it there! That’s mean.. And there’s nothing worse than a mean tease! Sorry… anyway… loved it… I actually thought Spence’s step-dad was going to be the evil dude that hired Ash to deliver the package… Glad it wasn’t :) Update soon…. please

    12. You’re a tease!!! YOU KNOW THAT???? A damn tease! ;) You can’t leave it there! That’s mean.. And there’s nothing worse than a mean tease! Sorry… anyway… loved it… I actually thought Spence’s step-dad was going to be the evil dude that hired Ash to deliver the package… Glad it wasn’t :) Update soon…. please

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