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    For Now Anyway


    Once she was confident that everyone was asleep, besides the diver of course, she gently grabbed Spencer’s hand and slid it up her thigh.  She had never been more thankful to be wearing a skirt in her life.  The sudden motion of her appendage jostled Spencer enough to stir her from her sleep.  Before she had time to fully register what was going on her fingers were being plunged into silky wetness.  Spencer frantically looked around the car to make sure no one could see.  They were all fast asleep.  Even if they weren’t no one would be the wiser.  Thanks to the angle of the large seat, neither was Paula.  The fact that Paula was the only one who could possibly witness this display heightened the experience for both girls.  Spencer felt as if she could omit a moan as she ran her two middle fingers along Ashley’s bundle of nerves.   Ashley slouched down in her seat to give Spencer better access.  Spencer had no idea how she got herself in this situation but she was somehow thankful it was happening.  Ashley did her best not to scream when Spencer teetered on the edge of entering her.  Spencer was teasing her, even in this setting.  Ashley thought the was getting back at Spencer but in seemed as if Spencer was still in control.  When Spencer did finally relinquish control and thrust in to Ashley she realized that Ashley was in fact very much in control.  The look of sheer lust shaded her already dark eyes at least 2 shades darker.  She looked at Spender in that, I want you now, way she does as she bit her bottom lip.  Spencer sat stroking away at Ashley’s bundle of nerves with her thumb as she was entranced by her lovers lips.  She wanted nothing more then to be the one biting them at the very moment.  Spencer continued to stroke the length of Ashley’s love every so slowly applying just the right amount of pressure.  Ashley was grateful her window opened so her sighs would be drowned out a bit.  The two girls remained eyes locked as Ashley’s head went back and the tidal wave finally washed over her and took her away.  Spencer thought she had experienced sexy moments with Ashley but nothing could be as sexy as her getting her off as the entire family lay there clueless.  Ashley’s neck taunted Spencer as she imagined the marks she wanted to leave on it.  Her neck.  She couldn’t wait until they got to the resort her family had booked for the weekend.  Spencer could have remained with her hand up Ashley’s skirt forever but she thought it better to not tempt fait and pulled out.  The sudden shock of movement in that region once more sparked Ashley’s already sensitive senses causing her to kick the back of the seat in front of her.   This caused Paula to lose control of the car momentarily.


    Paula:  “What the hell?!”


    Her loud cry woke the other members of the family.


    Paula:  “What is going on back there?!”


    Ashley:  “Sorry Paula.”


    Ashley’s voice cracked as she finished her sentence.


    Ashley:  “Muscle spasm.”


    Glen:  “You are a spazz.”


    Ashley just ignored his remark as the girls once again fell into hysterical laughter together.

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