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    From a Whisper to a Scream – (Chapter: Avoiding Academia)

        Ashley looked over at Spencer as she pulled out of the school parking lot.  She looks adorable.  And nervous…She reached over and turned on the radio in the car hoping to ease her companion’s nerves.
        “Um, where are we going?” Spencer asked over the music, suddenly realizing that she was going off with a person that she barely knew.
        “Anywhere,” Ashley said in a low tone as she noticed the hint of excitement that formed in those blue eyes.
        Spencer turned her attention back to the road, where Ashley’s attention would be if she could stop looking to her right long enough to pay attention to her driving.  She was waiting for a response.  When she realized that Spencer had none, she decided to offer her own.    
        “How about swimming?  I have a pool,” she said looking over at Spencer.  Spencer looked at her but still had no response.  People from Ohio know how to swim right?”  She smiled and continued glancing periodically at Spencer waiting for a response.  The girl seemed to be lost in her thoughts, and Ashley began to worry that the afternoon would backfire.
        “A-Ashley?” Spencer finally asked.
        “Yeah?” she asked staring at the road.
        “Um, this isn’t… I mean…I don’t…” Spencer fumbled around for the right words as Ashley panicked inside.  So what!  You knew she wasn’t gay.  You knew she had a boyfriend.  Why are you panicking?  
        “Look Spence, it’s okay if you don’t know how to swim.  I’ll keep my teasing to a minimum,” Ashley said smiling. She watched as Spencer smiled a little before trying again to talk.
        “I know how to swim just fine.  We do actually have pools in Ohio, you know.”  Ashley loved the way Spencer tilted her head and delivered a matter-of-fact look.
        “Hey, it’s okay.  You don’t have to be embarrassed.  You probably have many talents that I do not have.  I, for example, have never tipped a cow.  I wouldn’t even know how to start.”
        “Oh, shut up!  I’ve never tipped a cow.  I’ve never even been around a cow,” Spencer said defensively as she playfully punched Ashley’s arm.
        “Ouch!  Don’t take it out on me,” Ashley mock whined as she rubbed the place on her arm where Spencer had punched her.  “I’ll teach you how to swim,” she added with a laugh.    
        “I know how to swim!” Spencer yelled, as Ashley pretended to be afraid of future punches.  They both laughed for a little while longer, and soon they found themselves sitting outside of a familiar mansion.  
        “Ashley, I was just going to say thanks.  You know, for taking care of me after that party.  You didn’t have to let me stay and stuff.” Spencer was speaking slowly, as if searching for the right words.  Ashley just stared at her.  She wasn’t quite used to this line of conversation.  She didn’t have a long list of people who had any reason to thank her for anything.
        Ashley just smiled at her and opened her car door.  Spencer, who apparently hadn’t finished with her profession of gratitude, was looking at her questioningly when she turned to speak.
        “Spence, stop thanking me.  It’s cool.  Your welcome to crash here when your sloppy drunk as long as you promise to not snore as much next time.”
        Spencer feigned offense, and playfully shoved Ashley again before she got out of the car on the other side.
        Ashley joined her and gave her an apologetic look.  “Okay, maybe you didn’t snore all that much.”  Spencer smiled.  “But you definitely drooled all over my pillows.”  Spencer’s smile was replaced with a temporary frown before she laughed and poked Ashley in the ribs.
        “Okay, okay.  Sorry.  Now, come on!  I have to teach you to swim.  Hey, maybe I can find some of those floaters that my mom made me wear when I was a child.”  
        Before Spencer could respond, she ran into the house.
        “I don’t have a swim suit,” Spencer said when she arrived.  Ashley smiled when she saw a slightly pathetic look on Spencer’s face.  She can make the smallest things adorable…
        “I have a suit you can borrow, but I can’t let you leave the shallow end of the pool,” Ashley said as she began to lead Spencer toward her room.
        “What?  Why not?”
        “It’ll be easier to teach you to swim and make sure you’re not going to drown,” she teased.
        “For the last time, I know how to swim!”  Spencer yelled as she followed Ashley toward her room.  “I can’t promise that you’ll make it out of the pool alive though if you keep this up!”
        Ashley stopped abruptly and turned around to face Spencer, who barely kept herself from running into the brunette.  The two found themselves inches apart, and Ashley smiled inside when she heard Spencer catch her breath.
        “Sorry,” Ashley said trying to ease the tension, “but if you don’t stop threatening me, then I am not giving you anything to wear swimming.  You know what that means?”
        “No swimming?” Spencer asked amused.
        “Naked swimming!” Ashley said with a grin.
        “So, basically what you’re saying is that I have to get used to you making completely inappropriate comments if I’m going to be your friend?” Spencer asked still amused.
        Ashley found herself giggling at the question.  Something about Spencer made her want to smile and giggle all of the time.  
        “What’s inappropriate about a naked Spencer?”
        “Ugh!” Spencer let out a grunt as she walked around Ashley and into the bedroom.
        “Yes,” Ashley called from behind her.
        “Yes?” Spencer asked, turning around.
        “Inappropriate comments.” Ashley clarified.
        Spencer just smiled and shook her head while Ashley pulled a swimsuit from her dresser.  She took the suit from Ashley and walked out of the room to the bathroom without a word, leaving a smiling brunette in her wake.

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    1. hahahahaha your reference to cow tipping absolutely made my day (and since it was my first day back at school, it was much needed). So. I have to confess that this was the first post that I’ve ever read from you, but now I’m going to go back and read all of your others.

    2. i’ve been waiting for an update! thank you so much for it. lovely to see them getting along, i guess this means they’ll be sweet with each other from now on? oooh yeaaah… :)

    3. This is one or the, best fanfic i’ve read for SoN! I love how you incorporate Kyla, Aiden, Spashly, and Gladison plots and focus on each almost equally. You’re turning definitely turning me into a Spashly fan though! any chance ashley might start accepting kyla soon?

    4. I love your writing, but I’m disappointed that when you get to the good parts about Spashley you quit writing…Please finish both of your fics…I’m begging you…

    5. hahahahaha your reference to cow tipping absolutely made my day (and since it was my first day back at school, it was much needed). So. I have to confess that this was the first post that I’ve ever read from you, but now I’m going to go back and read all of your others.

    6. i’ve been waiting for an update! thank you so much for it. lovely to see them getting along, i guess this means they’ll be sweet with each other from now on? oooh yeaaah… :)

    7. This is one or the, best fanfic i’ve read for SoN! I love how you incorporate Kyla, Aiden, Spashly, and Gladison plots and focus on each almost equally. You’re turning definitely turning me into a Spashly fan though! any chance ashley might start accepting kyla soon?

    8. I love your writing, but I’m disappointed that when you get to the good parts about Spashley you quit writing…Please finish both of your fics…I’m begging you…

    9. Yay, Im happy that this FINALLY has been updated again. Great chapter, I like how Ash and Spencer’s relationship is progressing. Update again soon.

    10. Yay, Im happy that this FINALLY has been updated again. Great chapter, I like how Ash and Spencer’s relationship is progressing. Update again soon.

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