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    From a Whisper to a Scream – (Chapter: Dinner Time)

    “No.” That was the only response she received before she left the kitchen. She rounded the corner and ran into Clay as he hurried into the house.

    “Ah, Spencer. Sorry, I didn’t see you there,” Clay said slightly out of breath.

    “Yeah obviously you didn’t,” she responded with a chuckle. “Dad has dinner ready. Have you seen Glen?”

    “Uh, no, but I think Kevin may need to bathe before he sits down at the dinner table.”

    “Yeah, I’ve tried to explain to him that the grimy oily look really doesn’t do anything for me, but he insists that it makes him irresistible,” she chuckles at the logic of men. The after-shave smell is barely tolerable, why would they think gasoline and oil would be an instant turn on? “Could you find Glen while I go pry my boyfriend from his passionate embrace with his car?”

    “I would, but I don’t think he’s home. When Chelsea dropped me off, his car wasn’t outside. She seemed to think that he had detention this afternoon.”

    “Surprise. Surprise. Glen causing trouble.” Shaking her head, she walks outside to find that not only has Glen arrived home, but he’s brought a guest. Aiden Dennison is the last person with whom she thought she would see Glen bonding, but there they were, and hanging over the hood of a blood red supra talking to Kevin.

    “Hey guys! Glen, nice of you to finally make it home. What happened? You and Madison get caught doing the nasty nasty in the boys locker room?” She chuckles to herself since nobody else seemed to find humor in this statement. Oh well, at least I crack myself up.
    “No, but that does sound like a very good idea.” Now it was Glen’s turn to chuckle while everyone stared on with disgust.

    Aiden was the first to break the silence that followed Glen’s stupidity. Kevin wasn’t paying any attention, and Spencer looked truly disgusted. “Uh, so Spencer, I haven’t seen you around much since you quit cheerleading.”

    “Oh, well I’ve been busy helping Greasy Joe over there break and fix his car,” She says with a laugh, but the statement from Aiden has made her realize that she really hasn’t done much of anything since she met Kevin four months earlier. She quit the cheerleading squad after a month of dealing with the most self infatuated people on the planet. She spent her second month in L.A. wandering back and forth from school, spending a lot of time with Clay and friends. Then she met him. Kevin Chaffin. He was funny, adorable, and incredible kind. Oh, and she was drunk. She met Kevin at a party that one of Sean’s cousins through to celebrate his girlfriends birthday, or something like that anyway. Spencer had gotten into a small argument with Glen about his need to be an overbearing obsessive brother when she decided to dance with some guy. So, she had spent the night in a blissfully drunken state. Kevin had found her sitting in a chair on the back porch talking to girl who had fallen asleep. He picked her up, took her home, and was a perfect gentleman. So, here I am four months later, and what? I’m still thanking him. She sighed and she turned her attention back to the guys, who had begun talking about carburetors or something else that made her want to internally scream and kick the shit out of anything with four wheels.

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    1. Ha. This is so funny. I love how already Spencer seems to think that Kevin is barely worth it except she is doing it to thank him and could she possibly find a nicer guy? Sure, he’s obsessed with his car and sure, he smells like a guy but he’s nice and kind and caring, right? Wrong. Spencer is going to find Ashley soon (please?) and they are going to fall in love (right?) because it wouldn’t be south of nowhere FanFic w/o that. I’m loving this, and I have a coupla theorys as to why Aiden was lying: a) Aiden is gay and he wants to hang out with Glen (I think I’m totally wrong on that theory, though) b) Aiden likes Spencer and he wants to hangout at her house. Him asking her where she was after qutting cheerleading supports this and the fact that, who WOULDN’T be in love with Spence? PMS ASAP. xoxoxo lovely.

    2. Ha. This is so funny. I love how already Spencer seems to think that Kevin is barely worth it except she is doing it to thank him and could she possibly find a nicer guy? Sure, he’s obsessed with his car and sure, he smells like a guy but he’s nice and kind and caring, right? Wrong. Spencer is going to find Ashley soon (please?) and they are going to fall in love (right?) because it wouldn’t be south of nowhere FanFic w/o that. I’m loving this, and I have a coupla theorys as to why Aiden was lying: a) Aiden is gay and he wants to hang out with Glen (I think I’m totally wrong on that theory, though) b) Aiden likes Spencer and he wants to hangout at her house. Him asking her where she was after qutting cheerleading supports this and the fact that, who WOULDN’T be in love with Spence? PMS ASAP. xoxoxo lovely.

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