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    From a Whisper to a Scream – (Chapter: Dinner Time)

    “Uh, yeah, so Dad has dinner ready. We should go eat, and you,” she says pointing at Kevin, “must wash yourself and change your shirt first.”

    He lets out a complaining grunt but walks over to the outdoor hose anyway, and proceeds to rinse some of the black grime off of his hands while the other three walk into the house.

    “So, Aiden I didn’t realize you and Glen were such good buddies,” Spencer states as they sit down at the table. Glen has worked his way into the kitchen, probably trying to come up with some story to tell his parents about his after school activities today.

    “Uh, well we’re not really. I mean we don’t really like each other, but I guess with basketball and all you find stuff in common, you know.” His reply was more of a statement, and it sounded weird to Spencer. It sounded like he was convincing himself and not really talking to her at all. She’d seen this before somewhere. Mom does this when she comes home from work really really late. Wow, he’s lying. That’s….weird.

    Before Spencer gets a chance to wrap her mind around the weirdness that is Aiden, her mom walks in, and she’s in a much better mood than she usually is in when she gets home. “Hello everyone. Wow, great! Looks like I’m just in time for dinner.” She’s waaay too happy.

    “Uh, yeah, Dad just finished making ravioli. How was work?”

    “Uh, exhausting. There was a fifteen car pileup during the lunch hour, and the E.R. was overrun with injuries,” she was actually able to look tired as she was saying this. Mom can be such a drama queen sometimes. “I’m just glad it’s over, and I can finally relax. Oh, hi Honey.” Her husband walks into the room and she gives him a routine peck before sitting down in her seat at the end of the table opposite him.

    “Oh, wow, good to see you home so soon. GLEN! Come on and get down here!”

    Glen joins the group, prayer is said, and it is just another night of Carlin family fun around the dinner table. The conversation is light. Paula asking about school; Arthur asking about Kevin’s car; Glen asking about Kevin’s car; Aiden asking about Kevin’s car; Paula asking about Kevin’s car. OH MY GOD!!! Spencer screaming internally wanting nothing more than a few minutes of peace from the ongoing mechanic talk.

    “So, Glen, what did you have going on after school today? You were a little late getting home.” Spencer winced a little inside because she knew this wasn’t her style. Glen was the ass. Spencer was the kind and caring younger sister that overlooked Glen being an ass. The look that he was giving her from across the table suggested that, yes, he agreed with her. Now I’m the ass.

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    1. Ha. This is so funny. I love how already Spencer seems to think that Kevin is barely worth it except she is doing it to thank him and could she possibly find a nicer guy? Sure, he’s obsessed with his car and sure, he smells like a guy but he’s nice and kind and caring, right? Wrong. Spencer is going to find Ashley soon (please?) and they are going to fall in love (right?) because it wouldn’t be south of nowhere FanFic w/o that. I’m loving this, and I have a coupla theorys as to why Aiden was lying: a) Aiden is gay and he wants to hang out with Glen (I think I’m totally wrong on that theory, though) b) Aiden likes Spencer and he wants to hangout at her house. Him asking her where she was after qutting cheerleading supports this and the fact that, who WOULDN’T be in love with Spence? PMS ASAP. xoxoxo lovely.

    2. Ha. This is so funny. I love how already Spencer seems to think that Kevin is barely worth it except she is doing it to thank him and could she possibly find a nicer guy? Sure, he’s obsessed with his car and sure, he smells like a guy but he’s nice and kind and caring, right? Wrong. Spencer is going to find Ashley soon (please?) and they are going to fall in love (right?) because it wouldn’t be south of nowhere FanFic w/o that. I’m loving this, and I have a coupla theorys as to why Aiden was lying: a) Aiden is gay and he wants to hang out with Glen (I think I’m totally wrong on that theory, though) b) Aiden likes Spencer and he wants to hangout at her house. Him asking her where she was after qutting cheerleading supports this and the fact that, who WOULDN’T be in love with Spence? PMS ASAP. xoxoxo lovely.

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