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    From a Whisper to a Scream – (Chapter: Listless Lushes)

        Spencer immediately made herself comfortable leaning against a wall for forty-five minutes before anyone spoke to her, and then it was only to ask her where the bathroom was located.  Yeah, good luck with that.  She had made it to the party in time for the surprise, watched Aiden feign ignorance while Kyla got a thank-you kiss and Ashley got a hug.  

        She saw Aiden approaching from the side, and she turned to him smiling.  “Happy Birthday, Aiden.  So, were you surprised?”

        “Yeah, though I kinda knew something was up when Kyla threatened to kill me if I stood her up and went to that Jefferson party with Kevin.  Where is he anyway?”

        “Oh, um, he’s not here.  He was going to come, but—you know—his friend was throwing that other party, so he felt kinda obligated I guess.  He sends his happy birthday wishes.”  Wow, Spence… just what exactly is wrong with the truth here?  Oh I know.. I’m in denial, and I’m not ready to admit that I pushed away like the nicest person on the planet..

        “Uh, you okay?” Aiden asked, causing Spencer to stop her inner dialogue and look at him.

        “Yeah, why?”

        “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because the frown lines on your forehead are growing larger by the second.  You guys have a fight?”  oh, just go enjoy your birthday party.. get drunk.. have sex.. leave me and my wall alone.. why the hell am I here?…

        “No, I’m okay.”

        “Okay with what?”  Great now Kyla’s here to poke and prod me.

        “Life in general is okay,” Spencer said forcing a cheeky smile.

        “Well, that’s fantastic.  Where’s Kevin?” Kyla asked while shoulder surfing the crowd in search of him.  Great!  If she finds him out there I won’t have to answer this question… again. That didn’t work because Kyla simply turned back to Spencer and repeated the question thinking Spencer hadn’t heard her.

        “He’s not here,” Spencer finally responded.

        “Oh,” was Kyla’s only response.

        “They’re on a break,” Glen says using finger quotations for emphasis.  Awesome. When did he get here?  Spencer directed a glare in her brother’s direction. 

        “Do you mind not earjacking every conversation that you come across?” Spencer asked angrily.

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    1. adskl;jgasd. i loved it! too cute, really. makes me want to throw up a little. but in a good way, don’t worry. haha annyyways. i’ll just have to wait til the next one, won’t i?

    2. OMG! I love you! i lovelovelove you!!! How did you learn to write this well? HOW? You are so amazing, you’re making me cry. OMG. Ilove yo so much! SOSOSOSO MUCH! This is the best story ever. how do you do it? how do you make it so that they are all in the most amazing situations? Like Spencer in Ashley’s room. It’s ridiculous and I am forever yours since you do that to me.

    3. too cute, too cute, too cute! “Spencer rouses slightly and takes Ashley’s hand as her new pillow” – loved it. thats like the fluffiest most cutest thing EVER. And how can you leave it here? I’m hanging on to sanity by a thread in eager anticipation of your next post! Keep up the good work :) !!

    4. adskl;jgasd. i loved it! too cute, really. makes me want to throw up a little. but in a good way, don’t worry. haha annyyways. i’ll just have to wait til the next one, won’t i?

    5. OMG! I love you! i lovelovelove you!!! How did you learn to write this well? HOW? You are so amazing, you’re making me cry. OMG. Ilove yo so much! SOSOSOSO MUCH! This is the best story ever. how do you do it? how do you make it so that they are all in the most amazing situations? Like Spencer in Ashley’s room. It’s ridiculous and I am forever yours since you do that to me.

    6. too cute, too cute, too cute! “Spencer rouses slightly and takes Ashley’s hand as her new pillow” – loved it. thats like the fluffiest most cutest thing EVER. And how can you leave it here? I’m hanging on to sanity by a thread in eager anticipation of your next post! Keep up the good work :) !!

    7. I so want to say goodbye to the great boyfriend. I so see why she can’t say it to him ,but he needs the boot. send him away please. no need for it to be bad or any thing, just him catching the two in the act of a kiss. hehehe like I said nothing bad.

    8. I so want to say goodbye to the great boyfriend. I so see why she can’t say it to him ,but he needs the boot. send him away please. no need for it to be bad or any thing, just him catching the two in the act of a kiss. hehehe like I said nothing bad.

    9. This chapter was really funny. Especially Ashley comment about keeping people out her mom’s bed so they won’t catch STD’s. That was so funny. Kyla and Spencer bonding and staring at the banana hammock was funny, too. I’m loving this story.

    10. This chapter was really funny. Especially Ashley comment about keeping people out her mom’s bed so they won’t catch STD’s. That was so funny. Kyla and Spencer bonding and staring at the banana hammock was funny, too. I’m loving this story.

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