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    From Geek to Freak – (Chapter: The Project)

    "Ashley are you ready for the test today?". my teacher says

    "Of course Mrs.Pussycat, Im always ready"

    Weird name I know sometimes I have to keep myself from laughing at her. I stop laughing when I notice this sexy goddess walk in. She has long blond hair, and blue eyes. She is wearing these booty shorts and this back out shirt and sandles. She looks so sexy.

    "Class I would like for you to meet Spencer Carlin"

    All the guys are checking her out

    "You can go sit right behind Ashley, Ashley will you raise your hand for me"

    Oh shit she is coming to sit by me, be cool Ash be cool

    "Okay class after I  hope you all did well on that test. We have no more test but we have a big project coming up and you will be working in partners."

    Damn I hate working in partners

    "Okay here we go and please don’t complain about who you are partnered up with. Davies and Carlin together"

    Did the teacher really just partner me up with Spencer. Yes. So im just looking around the room when I feel a pair of eyes on me and I turn to look and I see Spencer looking at me and she is smiling at me and then she winks. Im taking back at this so I just turn back around and listen to the teacher until the bell ring.

    Ring Ring Ring

    I get my stuff together and then I feel someone tap me on the shoulder so I turn around and see who the tap me and I see that it’s Spencer.

    "Hey remember me"

    I just stand their like and idiot

    "Are you going to talk or not"

    Still nothing

    "For the project we should work on that today"

    I just nod and smile

    "Okay well I will just get your address from your sister when I go to cheer leading practice, and here is my number."

    She picks up my hand and writes her number on it and puts a heart by her name and kiss me on the cheek before she leaves and im just so fucking stunned that happen to me. Kyla comes up to me and ask whats wrong. 

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    1. That was random and totally not was i was expecting but thats not a bad thing. I wonder was Spencer was being so quick, was she really a porn star…so many questions lol

    2. that was certainly interesting and very diff. :D can’t wait for the rest and was spencer joking about the pron star thing great job PMSLater Dayz

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