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    From Geek to Freak – (Chapter: The Project)

    "Hey sister why are you standing their with this goofy smile on your face?"

    I just turn my hand around so she can see the number and I point to me cheek and show her the lip gloss Spencer left on my cheek.

    "Omg Spencer likes you, that is so tight"

    "Kyla don’t ever say tight again and no she doesn’t we are just partners for this history project"

    "Yeah she does likes you she asked about you in class today."


    "Yeah she did"

    Wow I can’t believe Spencer might like me. All through the day I kept smiling. Once the bell rang I skipped to my car where Spencer and Kyla were standing and I just smiled when I saw Spencer and got in the drivers seat.

    "Hey Ashley", Spencer says in such a sexy tone

    I just give her a node and smile

    "Please forgive my not speaking sister she is just not used to girls talking to her", Kyla says

    "Its okay we are going to have to talk once we start the project today. Well let me go home and get my book and then I will be over", Spencer says

    I watch her walk to her car and I check out her legs and her ass when she is walking. 

    "Why didn’t you talk idiot, you just sat their and looked like a retard."

    "Shut up Kyla your always down my ass."

    "Well I need to be, that was Spencer Carlin that was talking to you, she was pretty much throwing herself at you and just smiled."

    "You think she really likes me"

    "Of course baby sister"

    "But why"

    "Why because you are pretty and smart and she can see something in you even when you are hiding behind those glasses and clothes sis."

    I just smiled and hugged my sister as we drove home in comfortable silence. Once we got home I went to go clean my room. I must have been cleaning for awhile because I didn’t hear Spencer come in. I turn around and my mouth just dropped open she was wearing this shortest skirt ever made to man kind and has this tank top shirt on that you can see

    "Hey Ashley"

    "hhhey Spencer", I studder her name out

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    1. That was random and totally not was i was expecting but thats not a bad thing. I wonder was Spencer was being so quick, was she really a porn star…so many questions lol

    2. that was certainly interesting and very diff. :D can’t wait for the rest and was spencer joking about the pron star thing great job PMSLater Dayz

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