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    From Geek to Freak – (Chapter: The Project)

    "You ready to this project?"

    "Yeah lets get on it"

    We go sit on my bed and start talking about what we want to do but after awhile we get off topic and start talking about everything and I start getting more comfortable with her.

    "So you don’t have a girlfriend",Spencer asks me

    "No what about you"

    "No but im looking"

    She winks at me as she said this.

    "Have you ever had a girlfriend before", Spencer asks me

    "Ummm No", I say this as I look at my hands

    She pulls my chin up so Im looking at her

    "Hey its okay if you never had a girlfriend"

    "No it’s not Spencer im seventeen and I have never even kissed a girl on seen one naked before

    "Well come here I will be your first kiss and show you a naked girl"

    I just look at her with a shocked look on my face. Next thing I know is that her lips are on hers and she is kissing me and I kiss back but then I feel her tongue in my mouth and then her hands take my hands and put them on her boobs and I try to pull back put she hold tighter. I give up and just touch them and sqeeze them and she just moans and then I start getting majorly horny. We are getting into the kiss and I feel her hand drift down to my sweats and pull them down.

    "Have you ever got head before", Spencer ask me


    "Do you want some"

    "Umm I don’t know don’t you think this is going a little fast Spencer." 


    I just look at her and give her nervous nod. Next thing I know she is on her knees in front of me and has my boxers on the ground and my shirt pulled up licking at my six pack.

    "You have a sexy body why do you hid behind those clothes baby?"

    She doesn’t give me a time to answer because I feel her tongue on my clit and all I can do it moan to her soft warm tongue. I have never felt anything so good in my life and I don’t want her to stop."Feel good baby", Spencer says and all I do is moan a yes. She is sucking up all my juices that have fallen out my pussy." Uhhhhhh keep going" She brings my hand down to her head and I just hold it because she is licking me so well. Her tongue is moving lower into my hole and she sticks her tongue all the way in."OOOOOOOhh fuck don’t stop". I hold her head to my cunt so tightly. After a few more strokes of her tongue and her thumb rub soft circles on my clit I cum."OOOOOOOOOOh Yes don’t stop your making me cum." I get done shaking and fall to the ground and she just sits on the ground with me.

    "Are you okay"

    "Yeah just never felt anything like that before. How do you know how to do that"

    "Well I use to be a porn star."

    Okay I know thats not a good ending but what do you think should I continue? 






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    1. That was random and totally not was i was expecting but thats not a bad thing. I wonder was Spencer was being so quick, was she really a porn star…so many questions lol

    2. that was certainly interesting and very diff. :D can’t wait for the rest and was spencer joking about the pron star thing great job PMSLater Dayz

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