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    Gay Camp – (Chapter: Tricking Parents)

    "Are you ready the van is going to be here any minute?" Paula tried to talk to Spencer before she left she just knew in her mind that if she could only get Spencer some help and keep her away from Ashley everything would be ok.

    "Spencer ignored her mom but followed her down the stairs." She hugged Clay goodbye knowing he at least had stuck up for them but when her mom threatning him to go with her he backed off. Chelsea pregnant was not the time for him to get shipped of to some rediculus gay camp. She didn’t even look at her mom or Glen and when her dad tried to tell her he was sorry she just glared at him. So she climed in the back of the van and after her mom and the driver exchanged a few pieces of paperwork they were off.


    "We have to pick up a few people on the way so you can take a nap if you want it will be a few hours."

    Spencer didn’t say anything she just rolled her eyes and layed her head on the pillow she brought and turned on the ipod Ashley bought her falling asleep. After 20 minutes of driving the van stoped Spencer didn’t want to deal with anyone so she pretended to be asleep she heard the van door open and she knew someone got in next to her but what she heard next made her eyes pop open and her head snap around.

    "Hi I’m Ashley nice to meet you." Spencer could not believe her eyes. She couldn’t talk and Ashley knew that Spencer needed to recover quick or they would give it away that they knew eachother.

    "And you are?" Ashley tried to help Spencer out and she had a hard time not laughing at the open mouthed expression on Spencer’s face.

    "Sp..Spencer." They reached out their hand and shook them and Ashley took the opportunity to run her thumb over Spencers hand and interlace their fingers at least for a moment.

    "Nice to meet you ." They pulled away as the driver turned around and made sure Ashley had everything she needed and even though he didn’t understand the double meaning when she said, "Everything I need is in this van." Spencer couldn’t help the big smile she had on her face. When they pulled out of the driveway Ashley pulled a blanket out of her bag and covered herself up letting a little fall over Spencer so she could interlace their fingers. They picked up 2 more people one girl had red hair that was buzzed so short it was hard to tell she was a girl and she was a little on the heavy side and she just ignored them which was fine with them and the other was a boy who just even though he said hi and introduced himself as Brian stared out the window the rest of the ride so Spencer and Ashley basically felt like they were alone the whole ride and by the end they were both making full use of the blanket Ashley brought.

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