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    Gay Camp – (Chapter: Tricking Parents)

    When they got to the "camp" about 40 other people were there. They were all lined up and told to put their suit cases out in front of them as 5 people went down the line and made sure there wasn’t any pornographic material or any drugs or alcohol. Spencer was glad she didn’t bring the pictures because they were standing right next to eachother and that would have been a dead giveaway. The boys were taken to their side of camp and then they paired the girls off into groups of 3. Ashley, Spencer and the girl with red hair were standing next to eachother so they were put into the same group and led to their cabin. After being told all of the cabin rules which included not being aloud to lay in someone elses bed and making it manditory to change in one of the 3 changing rooms they left and after unpacking a few things the red haired girl left for dinner.

    Spencer pushed Ashley up against the wall and attacked her mouth as soon as the coast was clear. "Mmmm." They both moaned at the contact and their body’s were instantly on fire they moved into a changing room and quickly got rid of their clothes Spencer couldn’t get enough of Ashley she licked down her whole body and when she got to her centre she pushed Ashley’s leg up on the bench and attacked her clit with her tongue. It didn’t take long and when she pushed 3 fingers into Ashley that was it.

    "Ohh fuck Spence." She came so hard her body colapsed into Spencer’s arms. She took a second to catch her breath but sitting on the ground with a naked Spencer was clouding her brain so she reached down and pushed 2 fingers into Spencer pumping them fast knowing they had to do this quick because if they were late to dinner someone would come looking for them. She pushed her thumb on Spencer’s clit and started rubbing it fast and hard.

    "Ash." Spencer was rocking her hips to try and get more of her inside. Ashley locked her mouth on Spencer’s as she felt her body tensing and Spencer screamed into her mouth. "Ohh god I love you so much." Spencer said into her neck, Ashley smiled she knew that she made the right choice in coming here. They got up and got dressed quickly and Ashley went to her bag and pulled out a can of air freshener spraying it around the whole cabin and opening all the windows.

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