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    Gay Camp – (Chapter: Tricking Parents)

    "I see you were expecting this." Spencer laughed when she looked into Ashley’s bag and saw 5 cans of air freshener.

    "Well duh 4 months of my girlfriend all to myself, although I didn’t know we would get to be in the same cabin." Now it was Spencer’s turn.

    "How in the world did you pull this off?" Ashley smiled big and she had to admit it to herself she was very proud of her genious scheme.

    "Well last night I went home so upset I cried I threw somethings I thought about getting really drunk but then I figured why make you mad on top of everything else you were going through so after trying to sleep for hours I thought why cant I just come with you?" Spencer was obviously waiting for more information so she continued.

    "I got out of bed and started searching the internet for "gay camps" I found like 3 in California so I called them and the only one who had a pick up for tomorrow was this one. Then I went into my mom’s room and pretended to cry I told her that I had feelings for Aiden and but couldn’t get past this whole girl thing I was so smart I even made her think it was her idea after a few little plays on words she called and requested the van to come pick me up today since money was no object and they were already making a pick up in this area they said ok." Spencer pulled her close and kissed her lightly.

    "Wait you said you had feelings for Aiden?" Spencer pretended to be annoyed.

    "Spence I would have said I was in love with George Bush if it would have got me here with you." She pulled Spencer close to her and kissed her forhead.

    "Come on if we are late to dinner they will come looking for us and we have to be very careful here I read that they do all kinds of checks and if you get caught doing anything with the same sex 1 person gets sent home and the other gets put in something they call jail???" They both laughed but at the same time they were nervous.

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