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    Give Up – (Chapter: Ben & Jerry)


    "What do you mean?"


    She’s doing it again, she does it a lot. This is her best defense. She dodges a question by asking another question. So far I’ve let her get away with it, but not this time.


    "I mean how did you end up here? How did you become this person?"


    She never breaks eye contact with me, but her once bright blue eyes shift to a darker blue; a defensive blue. She’s closing herself off to me, well she’s trying to at least. I can read her like a book. She doesn’t like the question I’ve asked, she desperately wants a change of subject. But I won’t give her that. If I’m going to get anywhere with her then I need to push her.


    "Well, I was born and raised in Ohio, my family moved out here when I turned 16. I stayed in Ohio for a while, then I tried college… but it just wasn’t right for me. So I came out here to live with my parents and brother."


    The statement is brief and I can tell she’s nervous by the way she shifts in her seat. I’m tempted to question her more about her family but I know if I did, she would make me. So I ask her an easier question, a question I knew she’d want to answer.



    I slow the car down and look for a parking space. When I see one I push the gas pedal a little harder and pull into it smoothly. I jump out of the vehicle and lock it before slamming the door harder than necessary.



    "Ohio? Did you like it there?"


    I see a huge smile wash over your face. It’s not the fake plastic smile that I’ve seen you wear before, this one is genuine.


    "Ohio, is the best place in the world."


    Her eyes light up and I see her defenses fade. I give her a bright smile urging her to continue. She doesn’t hesitate to proceed She goes on for nearly fifteen minutes about the wonders of Ohio, and how winter was your favorite time of the year.

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    1. so in…OVER YOUR HEAD! lol ashie’s smitten with the drug princess. hott. excellent chapter!! your story is quite original. sure there’s been other fics about one or both girls being cops of some sort but i REALLY like this one!! really really! i cant wait to see what trouble you get ashley into.

    2. Nice. Great update kid. Just what I was looking for in this post. :] I love this story and I’m glad you actually take the things I say to heart. It means a lot. Keep up the good job. I’ll be waiting for another great update from you. :)

    3. oooh…i just got into this story..i’m so late i know. but it is sooo great! please keep updating! I can’t wait to read more and ashley is screwed! love it!

    4. so in…OVER YOUR HEAD! lol ashie’s smitten with the drug princess. hott. excellent chapter!! your story is quite original. sure there’s been other fics about one or both girls being cops of some sort but i REALLY like this one!! really really! i cant wait to see what trouble you get ashley into.

    5. Nice. Great update kid. Just what I was looking for in this post. :] I love this story and I’m glad you actually take the things I say to heart. It means a lot. Keep up the good job. I’ll be waiting for another great update from you. :)

    6. oooh…i just got into this story..i’m so late i know. but it is sooo great! please keep updating! I can’t wait to read more and ashley is screwed! love it!

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