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    Give Up – (Chapter: Ben & Jerry)



    I walk down the oversized aisle looking for my addiction. The one things that will allow my stress to dissipate. I continue father down the aisle until I see what I’ve been searching for. I look down at the little label reading it to ensure it’s the one I want.


    Ben & Jerry’s

    New York Super Fudge Chunk® Ice Cream


    I sigh and tilt my head back thanking the man above that they have what I’ve been craving in stock. Griping the container firmly in my hand I turn and walk towards the checkout line.



    "It was just a few days before Christmas, and it was snowing for the first time all year. The storm was really bad, and course my parents wouldn’t let me out. So the next morning I got up at the crack of dawn, suited up and headed outside. I made it to the top edge of my porch before I slipped on a patch of ice and fell down the last four steps."


    She’s been going on about Ohio for some time now. I don’t mind, the way she speaks about her past makes me hang on her every word.



    I sit back down on my leather seat and let the bag fall out of my hand and land on the floor next to me before settling into my seat and heading ‘home’.



    "So what about you Ashley? What was your life like growing up?" She looks at me with a hopeful smile and I can’t help but feel bad, because I know what I’m going to say is going to kill the mood.


    "Well, my mother was a drunk, and my father was abusive. When I was about four years old both of them were imprisoned. For a few years I was thrown about in foster care, until my mother was released and took me back."


    She leans back in her chair and just as I suspected I put a dent in the mood. She quickly recovers from the information and leans forward resting her elbows on the table.


    "After your mother took you back, how was it?" Her question doesn’t surprise me, people always ask this when I talk to them about my childhood. What surprises me is the look on her face. The look tells me that she cares, that she actually wants to know how my childhood was.

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    1. so in…OVER YOUR HEAD! lol ashie’s smitten with the drug princess. hott. excellent chapter!! your story is quite original. sure there’s been other fics about one or both girls being cops of some sort but i REALLY like this one!! really really! i cant wait to see what trouble you get ashley into.

    2. Nice. Great update kid. Just what I was looking for in this post. :] I love this story and I’m glad you actually take the things I say to heart. It means a lot. Keep up the good job. I’ll be waiting for another great update from you. :)

    3. oooh…i just got into this story..i’m so late i know. but it is sooo great! please keep updating! I can’t wait to read more and ashley is screwed! love it!

    4. so in…OVER YOUR HEAD! lol ashie’s smitten with the drug princess. hott. excellent chapter!! your story is quite original. sure there’s been other fics about one or both girls being cops of some sort but i REALLY like this one!! really really! i cant wait to see what trouble you get ashley into.

    5. Nice. Great update kid. Just what I was looking for in this post. :] I love this story and I’m glad you actually take the things I say to heart. It means a lot. Keep up the good job. I’ll be waiting for another great update from you. :)

    6. oooh…i just got into this story..i’m so late i know. but it is sooo great! please keep updating! I can’t wait to read more and ashley is screwed! love it!

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