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    Give Up – (Chapter: Ben & Jerry)


    "The first couple years were great, until my father got out of jail. When he got out he stayed with us and things were looking up for a while. A couple months into it they started arguing about money and before you know it he was beating the shit out of her." I pause and stare down at my plate.


    Eventually I look up at her. I can tell she wants to ask me more about my parents, but she doesn’t. Instead she grabs my hand and tells me she’s sorry.


    "Don’t be, everything happens for a reason. It was a long time ago, and I’m over it."




    I walk into my kitchen and open the drawer where my silverware is place. I grab a spoon and head back to the living room. I pop the cap off of my ice cream and waste no time in digging in.




    We’ve just finished eating and after a brief argument she agrees to let me pay for the meal. After a moment the waiter comes back to the table handing me the receipt and my credit card. I quickly open my purse and slip it inside.




    Spencer stands up nodding her head while grabbing her purse and slipping the strap over her shoulder.


    "Yeah, lets go."


    We reach the outside of the small but tasteful restaurant. My eyes instantly land in the direction of Johnson’s SUV.


    "Which way is your car?" She nods in the direction of her car we head towards it.


    "I had a great time." She gives me a shy and innocent smile.


    "Me too, we should do it again." A beautiful smile graces her face.

    "Definitely." We reach her car and she hit’s the un-lock button on her keypad. She turns so she’s facing me and pulls me into a hug. We hold the hug for quite some time before we mutually pull away. I step back so she can open her door.


    "I’ll call you tomorrow." She nods and repeats her actions from the previous night. She hops into her car and slams the door shut. The engine purrs slightly and she clicks on her headlights before rolling down the window.




    I know what she’s talking about but I have to play my part so I give her a confused look.




    "You wanted to know my last name. It’s Carlin." She gives me a playful smile then rolls up her window, and pulls off.


    As I’m walking towards my car I hear Johnson’s voice coming from my ear piece.


    Good job Davies, your in.



    I sigh and sit the half empty container on the coffee table.


    Yeah Davies your so in.

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    1. so in…OVER YOUR HEAD! lol ashie’s smitten with the drug princess. hott. excellent chapter!! your story is quite original. sure there’s been other fics about one or both girls being cops of some sort but i REALLY like this one!! really really! i cant wait to see what trouble you get ashley into.

    2. Nice. Great update kid. Just what I was looking for in this post. :] I love this story and I’m glad you actually take the things I say to heart. It means a lot. Keep up the good job. I’ll be waiting for another great update from you. :)

    3. oooh…i just got into this story..i’m so late i know. but it is sooo great! please keep updating! I can’t wait to read more and ashley is screwed! love it!

    4. so in…OVER YOUR HEAD! lol ashie’s smitten with the drug princess. hott. excellent chapter!! your story is quite original. sure there’s been other fics about one or both girls being cops of some sort but i REALLY like this one!! really really! i cant wait to see what trouble you get ashley into.

    5. Nice. Great update kid. Just what I was looking for in this post. :] I love this story and I’m glad you actually take the things I say to heart. It means a lot. Keep up the good job. I’ll be waiting for another great update from you. :)

    6. oooh…i just got into this story..i’m so late i know. but it is sooo great! please keep updating! I can’t wait to read more and ashley is screwed! love it!

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