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    Give Up – (Chapter: Decisions)

    I get lost in my thoughts for a few moments trying to organize my thought process. Finally I figure out what I want to say.


    "Last night, the date went-"


    Was it a date Spencer? I mean other than light flirting there weren’t any other signs that she thought it was a date.


    I look back over at Glen and for once he is sitting there patiently. I takes another minute or to, to think things over in my head.


    "I had fun with her last night, we had nice easy conversation. I’m not really sure if it was a date." I give Glen a questioning look.


    "You don’t think it was a date?"


    "I… I’m not really sure. It wasn’t like the dates I’ve gone on in the past."


    "Well Spencer I know this is a new concept to you but normally when two people who don’t know each other well especially two chicks there usually isn’t hot sweaty sex at the end of the date." He smirks before continuing.


    I give him another dirty look trying to let him know that I don’t find any humor in what he is saying.


    "Like I said the other day you’ve gotta stop living in the past. Getting laid the same day you met the girl may have worked in the past, but not anymore. Your not hanging out with the same people you were before. If anything you should be happy that there was no sex. If she ends up calling you, then at least you know she’s sticking around for more than just good sex."


    I look down at my hands and let out a small giggle.


    "This coming from the guy who stood up his high school girlfriend because she wouldn’t and I quote ‘let me get it in there’."


    He gives me a ‘what the fuck’ look before grabbing the pillow closest to him and launching it at my head.


    "Give me a break Spence, that was high school. The only thing I could think about then was sex."


    I grab the pillow and place it in my lap.


    "Then? Glen the only thing ever on you mind is sex."

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    1. Cool. Spencer is going to close a deal… :] Very bad-ass. And I kinda want them both to start thinking of it as a date but i mean what am i going to do? start writing the story myself? nope, that’s what you’re for. you are a professional. and i didn’t realize tha i had that much of an impact. That makes me really excited. Please update soon. :)

    2. It’s hard to imagine Spencer with a gun…but that’s just part of what makes this story so great. It’s so obvious she doesn’t want to be involved in the family business. Spencer and Ashley have some tough decisions ahead of them. PMS!

    3. oooh, i’m seriously into this story! please keep posting lots more! i am ready for some major major drama when miss ashley falls for one spencer and has to decide between her job and spencer. ahh. going to be good! please post more now!!!!!!

    4. Cool. Spencer is going to close a deal… :] Very bad-ass. And I kinda want them both to start thinking of it as a date but i mean what am i going to do? start writing the story myself? nope, that’s what you’re for. you are a professional. and i didn’t realize tha i had that much of an impact. That makes me really excited. Please update soon. :)

    5. It’s hard to imagine Spencer with a gun…but that’s just part of what makes this story so great. It’s so obvious she doesn’t want to be involved in the family business. Spencer and Ashley have some tough decisions ahead of them. PMS!

    6. oooh, i’m seriously into this story! please keep posting lots more! i am ready for some major major drama when miss ashley falls for one spencer and has to decide between her job and spencer. ahh. going to be good! please post more now!!!!!!

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