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    Give Up – (Chapter: Decisions)


    He mouth snaps open but just as quickly it shuts.


    "Okay enough about me do you want me to listen to whatever else you have to say or not."


    I sigh before giving him a victorious smile. "We both know your only changing the subject because you know I’m right."


    He sighs and gives me an annoyed frown.


    "Once your done gloating you could continue with you story."


    "There’s not really much else to say."


    For a second a nervous look spreads over his face.


    "You sure you don’t wanna talk about anything else?"


    "Come on Glen, just spit it out."


    "What are you talking about."


    "The other day when we talked I had to nearly beg you to listen to me, now your all eager to listen? I’m not an idiot, I know you want something. So what do you need."


    He takes a breath before speaking. "Dad’s outta town. He want me to close a deal, and I need you to come with me."


    As soon as the words invade my mind as nervous feeling washes over me. Although there was a point where I highly involved with the business I’ve been trying to avoid getting involved unless it was absolutely necessary. I let my words come out at an abnormally fast rate.


    "What do you need me for?"


    "Calm down Spencer, you don’t have to be in the building when it goes down. I just need you to be ready to pull some of your fast and furious moves in case something happens."


    I rack my brain trying to find any excuse I can to get out of this.


    "Do you really think this is a good idea? I mean you’ve only been back for a few days and your already getting involved with this again."


    "It’ll be fine Spencer. Joey and Ty are coming along as our muscle. Nothing bad is going to happen. "


    I really don’t want to have to do this so I keep up the questions.


    "Why don’t you get Aiden to go with you he’s a much better driver."


    He gives me his best understanding face and puts his hand on my shoulder.


    "Because in the heat of the moment you, dad, and Clay are the only people I trust."


    "Why don’t you ask Cla-"


    "I would’ve asked Clay, but he’s outta town and we really need to close this deal tonight."


    He takes his hand off of my shoulder and lets me process things for a few seconds.


    "So Spencer, can I count on you?"


    I massage my temples with my fingertips before looking back at Glen.


    "Of course you can count on me."


    He gives me a relieved smile.


    "I knew I could."


    He looks down at himself inspecting his wardrobe.


    "Just let me put on a decent shirt and we’ll go"


    He walks in my direction and hugs me, then walks out of my room and down the hall. I rummage through my drawers and put on something respectable. After I feel I’m dressed okay I walk down the hall to his room. I enter just as he’s slipping on a dress shirt. He buttons it up walks backwards into the walk-in closet. He comes out and hands me a small hand gun. Before I can protest he speaks over me.


    "Better safe than sorry, lets go."


    We walk down the steps and out the front door and I see Glen’s muscle already in the backseat. He grabs my elbow and I turn to meet his gaze.


    "You ready?"


    I nod my head. "As ready as I’ll ever be."


    "Okay, here we go."


    Yeah, here we go…. again

    Page 3 of 3123


    1. Cool. Spencer is going to close a deal… :] Very bad-ass. And I kinda want them both to start thinking of it as a date but i mean what am i going to do? start writing the story myself? nope, that’s what you’re for. you are a professional. and i didn’t realize tha i had that much of an impact. That makes me really excited. Please update soon. :)

    2. It’s hard to imagine Spencer with a gun…but that’s just part of what makes this story so great. It’s so obvious she doesn’t want to be involved in the family business. Spencer and Ashley have some tough decisions ahead of them. PMS!

    3. oooh, i’m seriously into this story! please keep posting lots more! i am ready for some major major drama when miss ashley falls for one spencer and has to decide between her job and spencer. ahh. going to be good! please post more now!!!!!!

    4. Cool. Spencer is going to close a deal… :] Very bad-ass. And I kinda want them both to start thinking of it as a date but i mean what am i going to do? start writing the story myself? nope, that’s what you’re for. you are a professional. and i didn’t realize tha i had that much of an impact. That makes me really excited. Please update soon. :)

    5. It’s hard to imagine Spencer with a gun…but that’s just part of what makes this story so great. It’s so obvious she doesn’t want to be involved in the family business. Spencer and Ashley have some tough decisions ahead of them. PMS!

    6. oooh, i’m seriously into this story! please keep posting lots more! i am ready for some major major drama when miss ashley falls for one spencer and has to decide between her job and spencer. ahh. going to be good! please post more now!!!!!!

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