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    Give Up – (Chapter: Glen?)


    "All right, so what else do you need to tell me about the case?" He walks over to the filing cabinets and stops in front of the middle cabinet opening the second drawer. "Well, since things went so well last night I thought it would be good to give you more information on Spencer’s past and details about the people you’ll most likely be dealing with if you actually do penetrate their inner circle." He pulls out a few files and then turns around letting them drop onto the table in front of me. After sitting down he begins sorting through the files. He finds the one he’s looking for and shifts the others a few inches to the left.


    "Well before we dive into these files lets talk about how things went last night. From my point of view it seemed like it went well, what do you think?"


    Before I answer I think back to last nights encounter with Spencer. Her words drift back into my thoughts.


    "I owe you a drink."


    I clear my throat before I begin speaking. "I think our goals for the first meeting were accomplished. Even though we didn’t really exchange words I definitely got her attention, which was the goal."


    "I’m glad we’re on the same page, now I think its important to inform you of the events of last night."


    "Events? What events?"


    "Well last night after Spencer was abruptly pulled away from the premises by Clay, we had a few of ours cars follow them. They led us down to a warehouse a couple of miles away from the club. Now our people observed four cars at the location, and were able to capture this photograph." He pulls a rectangular piece of paper out of the file and throws in down in front of me.


    "Glen? But I thought the file said-"


    "That he was dead? Yeah that’s what we all thought but apparently that is not the case. So now on top of everything else we need to find out why his death was faked."


    "Wait a second how could this have happened? Don’t they have to go through some kind of test before the burial."

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    1. I never thought the Carlins could pull off some sort of mafia moves…..Even though I could totally imagine Spencer as the ” Say hello, to my little friend” type lol………Can’t wait for more!

    2. Holy Dang. Nice update. I’m super glad that Clay didn’t figure out that Ashley was on the other side, working for the cops. :) This is an awesome story. I love it and I can’t help but wonder why Glen faked his death. Yay! And I can’t wait until the next night at the bar when Ash and Spence strike up a real conversation!!! Love it! :)

    3. I never thought the Carlins could pull off some sort of mafia moves…..Even though I could totally imagine Spencer as the ” Say hello, to my little friend” type lol………Can’t wait for more!

    4. Holy Dang. Nice update. I’m super glad that Clay didn’t figure out that Ashley was on the other side, working for the cops. :) This is an awesome story. I love it and I can’t help but wonder why Glen faked his death. Yay! And I can’t wait until the next night at the bar when Ash and Spence strike up a real conversation!!! Love it! :)

    5. A dangerous Spencer is a mighty sexy Spencer. Oh man, Glen faked his own death, the Carlins are so notoriously awesome! Ok, that was lame, but I am toally psyched for the next chapter when Ashley and Spencer see each other again.

    6. A dangerous Spencer is a mighty sexy Spencer. Oh man, Glen faked his own death, the Carlins are so notoriously awesome! Ok, that was lame, but I am toally psyched for the next chapter when Ashley and Spencer see each other again.

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