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    Give Up – (Chapter: Glen?)


    "As I said before in this world money is everything and Arthur Carlin has enough money to turn the unimaginable into reality."


    "So are there any theories about why his death was faked?"


    "Well around the time his death was faked their was a bit of controversy between the Carlin family Michael Carlson."


    Before he can continue any further I cut him off. "Wait a second, Carlson who is he?"


    "Well he was a one of California’s biggest drug lords until Arthur took over."


    "What happened to him?"


    "He was killed, and the rumor is that Glen had something to do with his sudden death. Of course this started a war between Carlin’s people and Carlson’s followers. For months every alley way in this city was a bloodbath. After five months Carlson’s people surrendered and as far as we can tell Arthur had them pushing drugs for him. So it’s possible the death was faked to protect him from some remaining followers of Carlson, but I honestly think there’s more to the story than that."


    I look away from Johnson’s intense gaze and let all of this information soak in.


    "Here are a few more pictures from last night. He sets four more pictures down in front of me. The first shows Spencer and Glen hugging, then a group shot of Spencer, Glen, and Clay conversing. The last two show them making their way to the warehouse’s entrance.


    "Okay so what about these files."


    Johnson pulls a file from the top of the pile handing it to me. Then sliding the remaining ones within my reach. "Those files are the people Spencer is often spotted with. The one your looking at now is her guard.”


    Jordan Daniels


    I skim below and read over his information before focusing my attention on the full body photograph. He is an extremely large man, and I can’t help but think he is un-naturally buff. Definitely the perfect person for protection. I grab the next file and read over it. It contains a picture of a young woman by the name Sarah Peterson said to be a close friend of Spencer. The next to last file is another picture but this time of a tall muscular man named Aiden. It has a list of his priors and the usual information. I pick up the last file which is labeled with a bunch of numbers.


    I open the file and immediately regret it. I’ve seen a lot of bad shit but this picture is by far the worst. I close it shut as quickly as possible.


    "Sorry Davies, I should have warned you about that. The picture you’ve just seen is the is of the person Spencer was charged with assaulting. I nod my head and reopen the folder bracing myself for the images inside. The picture is of a mans face, his eyes are swelled shut with a freshly broken nose and bruises cover every inch of his face all the way down to his neck.


    "I know this kind of stuff is hard to look at but it’s important for you to know just how dangerous she really is. So are you still prepared to do this?"


    I try to speak but the words get caught in my throat and I can only nod.


    "Good, because we’re headed back down to Rage tonight. Maybe this time you’ll get to have an actual conversation."

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    1. I never thought the Carlins could pull off some sort of mafia moves…..Even though I could totally imagine Spencer as the ” Say hello, to my little friend” type lol………Can’t wait for more!

    2. Holy Dang. Nice update. I’m super glad that Clay didn’t figure out that Ashley was on the other side, working for the cops. :) This is an awesome story. I love it and I can’t help but wonder why Glen faked his death. Yay! And I can’t wait until the next night at the bar when Ash and Spence strike up a real conversation!!! Love it! :)

    3. I never thought the Carlins could pull off some sort of mafia moves…..Even though I could totally imagine Spencer as the ” Say hello, to my little friend” type lol………Can’t wait for more!

    4. Holy Dang. Nice update. I’m super glad that Clay didn’t figure out that Ashley was on the other side, working for the cops. :) This is an awesome story. I love it and I can’t help but wonder why Glen faked his death. Yay! And I can’t wait until the next night at the bar when Ash and Spence strike up a real conversation!!! Love it! :)

    5. A dangerous Spencer is a mighty sexy Spencer. Oh man, Glen faked his own death, the Carlins are so notoriously awesome! Ok, that was lame, but I am toally psyched for the next chapter when Ashley and Spencer see each other again.

    6. A dangerous Spencer is a mighty sexy Spencer. Oh man, Glen faked his own death, the Carlins are so notoriously awesome! Ok, that was lame, but I am toally psyched for the next chapter when Ashley and Spencer see each other again.

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