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    Give Up – (Chapter: Leash)


    "That makes sense, so the second thing?"


    He diverts his eyes to the pile of papers on his desk. He picks up the smallest one and hands it to me. I briefly but thoroughly inspect the picture. It’s a tall black man who appears to be in his early twenties.


    "Who is this?"


    "That’s Jonathan Gunn. His father was a multi-millionaire, when he passed away a few years back he left everything thing to Jonathan. Including his property, money, and cars. Needless to say Gunn became very popular with the younger generation soon after his fathers passing. Which ultimately led to his frequent drug use."


    "So he’s a dealer?"


    Johnson shrugs his shoulders. "Depends on how you look at it. He didn’t go around selling to people, but he did supply parties and drugs for his ‘elite’ group of friends."


    "I still don’t understand what he has to do with my case."


    "If you’d let me finish you’d understand."


    I lift both of my hands and stick them out in front of me in mock surrender. Johnson gives me an annoyed glare and shakes his head.


    "Who do you think Gunn gets his stuff from?"


    The light bulb in my head finally lights up.


    "The Carlins?"




    "So I’m guessing you want me to bust him along with the Carlins."


    "No that’s not what I want you to do."


    "So you just showed me the picture so I could look at his pretty face?" I say this in the most sarcastic voice possible.


    I can feel the annoyance radiating off of Johnson. So I decide to quit while I’m ahead and lean back on my chair waiting for him to continue.


    "No, that’s not why I showed you the photo. He always purchases his stuff on the first of the month."


    I look at him slightly confused. "Today’s the seventh, your a little late don’t you think?"


    "Yeah, we’re way to late. The reason I showed it to you is because this morning he turned up dead. And according to our people he’s been dead for six days, and to top it off he was found in a warehouse where he usually makes the deals."


    "So you think it was a drug deal gone wrong?"


    "Yes, so on top of busting the Carlins I need you to find out who killed him. Drug addict or not he deserves justice."


    "Your sure it was one of the Carlins?"


    "I’m positive. The tire tracks found outside of the warehouse match a pair from a previous crime scene. The car belonging to Glen."


    "Speaking of Glen, do you have any idea why he faked his own death?"


    "I personally think it was done to make committing crime a whole lot easier. Dead men don’t make drugs deals, and they certainly don’t commit murder."


    "That’s true."


    Both Johnson and I are finally silent and I take this time to think everything over. The silence continues for a few more minutes.


    "Well if you don’t have any more questions I think your set."


    I nod and stand up. Before I make it too far Johnson hands me a file.


    "Just some basic information on Gunn." I take the file from him and head towards the door.


    "Ashley." I stop and turn around.


    "If you run into any trouble along the way don’t hesitate to call." I nod my head and open the door. I step outside of his office and poke my head back into the room.


    "Hey, do you by any chance know how Gunn was killed?"


    "Yes, he was shot with a small ‘handgun’."


    I give him one final smile before walking out of his office and down to my car.


    ‘Your finally off the leash Davies’

    Page 2 of 212


    1. I refuse to believe Spencer murdered him. Someone else must have ended up with her gun. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself right now. This story really is fantastic. PMS!

    2. i’m officially not believing that spencer did it. it had to be glen…he is totally the killer type…don’t you think? if it is spencer i think i’ll just die…it just can’t be her. well, please don’t keep me waiting too long to find out…:) I hope that you know that you pretty much rock my socks of and they just keep coming off every time i read another chapter! so keep ’em coming!!!

    3. I refuse to believe Spencer murdered him. Someone else must have ended up with her gun. At least, that’s what I’m telling myself right now. This story really is fantastic. PMS!

    4. i’m officially not believing that spencer did it. it had to be glen…he is totally the killer type…don’t you think? if it is spencer i think i’ll just die…it just can’t be her. well, please don’t keep me waiting too long to find out…:) I hope that you know that you pretty much rock my socks of and they just keep coming off every time i read another chapter! so keep ’em coming!!!

    5. shuuuut up!! now…i dont think spencer did it. not on purpose anyways. she probably freaked and the gun went off or something. haha i have faith in innocent spencer damn it!! but…hmm…spencer with a gun…plus the fact shes the drug jove i think you’ve cracked the code govna! you’ve managed to make spencer even hotter! haha omg. you are AMAZING! and ashley on a leash…well now thats just hottness on a completely different level hahah. so excited for the next update! for sure!

    6. shuuuut up!! now…i dont think spencer did it. not on purpose anyways. she probably freaked and the gun went off or something. haha i have faith in innocent spencer damn it!! but…hmm…spencer with a gun…plus the fact shes the drug jove i think you’ve cracked the code govna! you’ve managed to make spencer even hotter! haha omg. you are AMAZING! and ashley on a leash…well now thats just hottness on a completely different level hahah. so excited for the next update! for sure!

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