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    Give Up – (Chapter: Secret Truths)



    "Want proof?"



    Her eyes dart back to Jose, I follow suit. She opens her mouth tentatively, before nodding her head uneasily. Jose smiles and reaches down to the floor, he lifts up small black book-bag. I watch intently as he unzips the only zipper and reaches inside.



    The cop in me takes advantage of their distracted state. My eyes zip downward inspecting my weapon. I take my left thumb off of it’s comfortable position on the gun, using it to release the safety button. When my thumb successfully completes it’s task it takes it previous position on the handle, as my eyes dash to the side of me, waiting for the scene in front of me to unfold.



    My eyes flinch at the sound of paper hitting the cheap table. He motions for Spencer to come closer, she takes the few steps necessary to reach the table. Her hands are still occupied by the gun, she gives him an impatient look. He takes this as his que to open the white folder.



    Papers are shuffled around for a few moments. The shuffling stops when the folder’s contents are spread out neatly along the edge of the table. She looks down at the papers and after a split second I see her jaw drop in shock.



    Her eyes continue to scan the rest of the papers. One of her hands slip away from the gun and smacks down on the aged table, it wobbles in response.



    "Where the fuck did you get this?" Her question is aimed at Jose. He simply shrugs his shoulders and leans back against the chair.



    "I’ve got an ear on the inside, just recently promoted. Good thing too." She doesn’t acknowledge me as she begins to pace around the large room.



    "Jesus fucking Christ." She stops pacing when she reaches the worn table and stares down at Jose. "How many people know about this?"



    "Just me, you, and my guy."



    "Can he be trusted?"



    "He wouldn’t be guy if he wasn’t trustworthy."



    She lets out a pitiful laugh before speaking again. "Good, because if anyone else finds out about this I will personally cut out your tongue."

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    1. oh my god … this was so intense … i absolutly love this story .. i never know what to expect. really great work you had me on the edge of my deat the entire time. i can’t wait to see what spencer is going to do. looking forward to the next update!

    2. lol no! i never get sick of happily ever after. not when it comes to spashley. because thats just how it was meant to be. but HOLY SHIT! dramaaa much?! ohhh my god. whats gonna happen?!

    3. Aw hell. I knew it had to happen eventually but it sucks all the same. So now that Spencer knows, what is going to happen? I’m going to choose to believe in the power of Spashley and hope that everything turns out okay. I’m so scared!

    4. oh my god … this was so intense … i absolutly love this story .. i never know what to expect. really great work you had me on the edge of my deat the entire time. i can’t wait to see what spencer is going to do. looking forward to the next update!

    5. lol no! i never get sick of happily ever after. not when it comes to spashley. because thats just how it was meant to be. but HOLY SHIT! dramaaa much?! ohhh my god. whats gonna happen?!

    6. Aw hell. I knew it had to happen eventually but it sucks all the same. So now that Spencer knows, what is going to happen? I’m going to choose to believe in the power of Spashley and hope that everything turns out okay. I’m so scared!

    7. Dude! You SO didn’t made it this way! Oh my gosh, I’m about to faint….Spencer’s not gonna kill Ashley right? RIGHT?! Ahhh….there’s a thing call happy ending, you knoy? lol, I love your story. PMS!!! Like now.

    8. Dude! You SO didn’t made it this way! Oh my gosh, I’m about to faint….Spencer’s not gonna kill Ashley right? RIGHT?! Ahhh….there’s a thing call happy ending, you knoy? lol, I love your story. PMS!!! Like now.

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