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    Give Up – (Chapter: Secret Truths)



    He nods and stands up. "Can I still have the stuff?" She nods her head, apparently a rat holding a gun doesn’t faze them.



    They make the exchange of drugs for money. His eyes meet mine, a smirk covers his face. "I’ll load your car for you."



    I look on as he grabs a large green bag and makes his way to Spencer’s car. As I hear the pop of the trunk I see a hand run itself through golden locks. He pace is quick and clumsy as she makes her way to me.



    I change the direction of my gun, pointing it directly at her. She laughs and lowers her own gun.



    "Are you really going to shoot me?"



    I swallow down the large lump in my throat. "If I have to."



    A twisted smile reaches her face, and her gun rises until it level with mine. She takes another step to me, the sick smile never leaves her face. Her eyes are a color I’ve never seen before. But within them I can see everything she’s feeling. Anger and betrayal dominating the rest.



    "You want me to go?" Our eyes stay locked together as she answers Jose.



    "Yes… if anyone including my father finds out about this I will deal with you myself." He mutters something that I can’t make out. We keep eye contact until the sound a car pulling off disappears.



    "Would you really shoot me?" I say nothing, not wanting to play a game of twenty-one questions.



    Instead of repeating her question she moves her gun around until it resting it below my shoulder, center of my heart.



    "I could kill you right now." Her free hand grips the barrel of my gun forcing it upwards until it is resting between her eyes. A nervous breath escapes her lips. Her hand removes itself, I keep the gun in the position she had chosen.



    "Pull the trigger."



    I say nothing and do nothing. We simply continue to stare into each other eyes. She repeats herself. Once, twice, three times. I couldn’t shoot her not even if I had the balls to do it. She’s a valuable asset. If I were to kill her, the case would not be as strong. So I give in, I lower the gun so it’s hanging loosely by my waist.

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    1. oh my god … this was so intense … i absolutly love this story .. i never know what to expect. really great work you had me on the edge of my deat the entire time. i can’t wait to see what spencer is going to do. looking forward to the next update!

    2. lol no! i never get sick of happily ever after. not when it comes to spashley. because thats just how it was meant to be. but HOLY SHIT! dramaaa much?! ohhh my god. whats gonna happen?!

    3. Aw hell. I knew it had to happen eventually but it sucks all the same. So now that Spencer knows, what is going to happen? I’m going to choose to believe in the power of Spashley and hope that everything turns out okay. I’m so scared!

    4. oh my god … this was so intense … i absolutly love this story .. i never know what to expect. really great work you had me on the edge of my deat the entire time. i can’t wait to see what spencer is going to do. looking forward to the next update!

    5. lol no! i never get sick of happily ever after. not when it comes to spashley. because thats just how it was meant to be. but HOLY SHIT! dramaaa much?! ohhh my god. whats gonna happen?!

    6. Aw hell. I knew it had to happen eventually but it sucks all the same. So now that Spencer knows, what is going to happen? I’m going to choose to believe in the power of Spashley and hope that everything turns out okay. I’m so scared!

    7. Dude! You SO didn’t made it this way! Oh my gosh, I’m about to faint….Spencer’s not gonna kill Ashley right? RIGHT?! Ahhh….there’s a thing call happy ending, you knoy? lol, I love your story. PMS!!! Like now.

    8. Dude! You SO didn’t made it this way! Oh my gosh, I’m about to faint….Spencer’s not gonna kill Ashley right? RIGHT?! Ahhh….there’s a thing call happy ending, you knoy? lol, I love your story. PMS!!! Like now.

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