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    Give Up – (Chapter: Secret Truths)



    I keep on my game face, trying not to show fear. She doesn’t remove the gun from it’s position. Just stares. We stay like this for a long time, until I feel the pressure of the gun’s tip slowly fade. Her eyes go down to the gun. She grips it by the barrel and for a moment I’m almost certain she is going to let it drop to the floor.



    Of course this doesn’t happen instead she grips the barrel in a deathly grip and forces the handle to collide with my jaw. She hits me with so much force that I stumble and drop the gun as blood flows from my mouth.



    I watch her from my position on the floor as she grabs the gun, slipping in between her belt and jeans.



    "Get up."



    When I make no attempts to move her foot collides with my stomach, forcing all of the air out of my lungs.



    "Get up." This time I obey her command, wanting to avoid anymore physical damage. I slowly make my way up, resting on my knees for a moment. She look down on me with pity, but makes no attempt to help me to my feet.



    When I finally make it up I watch as she pulls her keys from her pocket. She grabs my arm and pulls me in the direction of her car.



    "Get in."




    I follow her orders and make my way to the passenger door, when I enter she’s already in her seat with the car started. My door slams shut and she pulls off faster than usual.



    Silence fills the car for the first ten minutes until I work up the courage to speak.



    "Where are you taking me?"



    "Somewhere away from people, so I figure out what I’m going to do."



    The twisted smile returns and my mind flashes back to the photograph of the man she assaulted.



    "What are you going to do with me?"



    "I haven’t decided yet, and I’m not going to until we reach our destination."



    "Are you going to kill me?"



    She smirks. "Maybe."

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    1. oh my god … this was so intense … i absolutly love this story .. i never know what to expect. really great work you had me on the edge of my deat the entire time. i can’t wait to see what spencer is going to do. looking forward to the next update!

    2. lol no! i never get sick of happily ever after. not when it comes to spashley. because thats just how it was meant to be. but HOLY SHIT! dramaaa much?! ohhh my god. whats gonna happen?!

    3. Aw hell. I knew it had to happen eventually but it sucks all the same. So now that Spencer knows, what is going to happen? I’m going to choose to believe in the power of Spashley and hope that everything turns out okay. I’m so scared!

    4. oh my god … this was so intense … i absolutly love this story .. i never know what to expect. really great work you had me on the edge of my deat the entire time. i can’t wait to see what spencer is going to do. looking forward to the next update!

    5. lol no! i never get sick of happily ever after. not when it comes to spashley. because thats just how it was meant to be. but HOLY SHIT! dramaaa much?! ohhh my god. whats gonna happen?!

    6. Aw hell. I knew it had to happen eventually but it sucks all the same. So now that Spencer knows, what is going to happen? I’m going to choose to believe in the power of Spashley and hope that everything turns out okay. I’m so scared!

    7. Dude! You SO didn’t made it this way! Oh my gosh, I’m about to faint….Spencer’s not gonna kill Ashley right? RIGHT?! Ahhh….there’s a thing call happy ending, you knoy? lol, I love your story. PMS!!! Like now.

    8. Dude! You SO didn’t made it this way! Oh my gosh, I’m about to faint….Spencer’s not gonna kill Ashley right? RIGHT?! Ahhh….there’s a thing call happy ending, you knoy? lol, I love your story. PMS!!! Like now.

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