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    Give Up – (Chapter: Twenty-One Questions)



    My mind drifts back to the reason for my sorrow, Spencer Carlin. Her bright smile fills my head. I shut my eyes and move closer to the shower head, allowing the water to run through my hair. When they open again I sigh, staring at the unfamiliar tile surrounding me. I think back to my place in Brentwood. Much nicer than this.



    For a moment I regret not taking Johnson’s offer.



    "You need to lay low for a while, we’ve got a house set up in Spain. Nice, better than the one in Brentwood. The security is great, you’ll be safe."



    I say nothing for several moments, Johnson grabs the phone resting on his desk. I watch him intently as he dials a number. He keeps eye contact with me as he speaks. "Yes, this is Johnson. I need to use the private plane this afternoon. No, I’ve got someone to fly it." I continue to watch as he nods his head, as if the person on the other end of the phone can see him.



    "Yes, that’s fine. Four o’clock is great for us." He pulls the phone away from his ear, gently placing it on his desk.



    "It’s all set, we’re going to fly you out around four. Don’t worry there will be a bunch of trustworthy agents on the plane with you."



    He sits staring at me waiting for me to speak. I say nothing, I just sit and stare at him blanking.



    "You did good, better than any of us had expected. We didn’t find out about Jonathan Gunn but we got Arthur and Spencer."



    I finally decide to speak. "What about Glen?"



    Johnson leans back on the leather chair. "He’s long gone, but we don’t have to worry about him right now. He’ll be laying low for a long time."



    "I’m not worried about him."



    A questioning look washes over his face. "Then what are you worried about?"



    My silence forces him to speak again. "I know this is hard for you but you did what you had to do." I rub my finger in a circular motion across my temples.


    1. Man, I love this story so much.. I’m always on the edge of my seat reading it. I can’t wait to see how the rest of this story unfolds. Really amazing work!

    2. noooooo !!! don’t leave it here ! please ? this story is so intense…I really want so know what Spencer would do ! I just caught up with your story and I love it from the beginning. I want more of this story !!! please continue ? =)

    3. Okay, I definitely need some closure on this. It doesn’t even have to be what happened once Spencer got out of jail. It could be a one-shot, like a year or two down the road, just so we know what happened. All in all, the fic was great. I’m glad you kept it up. Can we expect another one from you? I hope you give us some closure.

    4. OH HELLS NO! You can’t leave it like this…I want to ee if Spencer will make good on her threat, or if they maybe will get back together again…please one more chapter or so..Awesome Update..Love your story…PMS…ASAP…ROCK ON

    5. shit, no. don’t leave us hanging like this, it’s not nice, duh! Please continue, I’m so addicted to this story, not just me! And about One Side Love, it will be mess up for a few chapters…lol that’s all I can say.

    6. Yea i cant live with it stopping here. Crack addiction have to be weaned, therefore, i need at least another chapter to set things straight. Please…pretty please! I love this story SO much! And i need closure on Spashley!

    7. As much as I love this story, you know you can’t end it here. It’s not done yet, don’t ya know. There’s one final chapter, and we’re all waiting!!! Bravo, what a great fic!

    8. Man, I love this story so much.. I’m always on the edge of my seat reading it. I can’t wait to see how the rest of this story unfolds. Really amazing work!

    9. noooooo !!! don’t leave it here ! please ? this story is so intense…I really want so know what Spencer would do ! I just caught up with your story and I love it from the beginning. I want more of this story !!! please continue ? =)

    10. Okay, I definitely need some closure on this. It doesn’t even have to be what happened once Spencer got out of jail. It could be a one-shot, like a year or two down the road, just so we know what happened. All in all, the fic was great. I’m glad you kept it up. Can we expect another one from you? I hope you give us some closure.

    11. OH HELLS NO! You can’t leave it like this…I want to ee if Spencer will make good on her threat, or if they maybe will get back together again…please one more chapter or so..Awesome Update..Love your story…PMS…ASAP…ROCK ON

    12. shit, no. don’t leave us hanging like this, it’s not nice, duh! Please continue, I’m so addicted to this story, not just me! And about One Side Love, it will be mess up for a few chapters…lol that’s all I can say.

    13. Yea i cant live with it stopping here. Crack addiction have to be weaned, therefore, i need at least another chapter to set things straight. Please…pretty please! I love this story SO much! And i need closure on Spashley!

    14. As much as I love this story, you know you can’t end it here. It’s not done yet, don’t ya know. There’s one final chapter, and we’re all waiting!!! Bravo, what a great fic!

    15. SERIOUSLY, you can’t leave it there. Yes closure is required, in fact many many more chapters would be appreciated. But regardless of whether you do write more or not, this story is really great. (More Spashley is required though!)

    16. SERIOUSLY, you can’t leave it there. Yes closure is required, in fact many many more chapters would be appreciated. But regardless of whether you do write more or not, this story is really great. (More Spashley is required though!)

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