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    Give Up – (Chapter: Twenty-One Questions)



    My head shakes in the negative. "No, everything I said I felt for you was true. I… I- I love you."



    She laughs. The laugh is something between disgust and hatred. "Glad you got that off of your chest? Feel better?"



    I open my mouth to speak, she cuts me off. "I’ll be out." That twisted smile returns. She reaches her hand up to my face and touches the spot where the handle of the gun hit me. "I can assure you that when I get out that gash is going to feel like a paper cut compared to what I have in store for you."



    I take a step back. She smiles and winks before pushing the door open, and stepping out of the building hands above her head.




    I continue to let the water flow down my body. As I stare up at the horribly sanded ceiling. Johnson had offered me a nice place to stay in Spain, but I not only declined, I quit. Of course he tried to convince me to reconsider, but I couldn’t. I had ruined so many lives that I couldn’t continue with the job. The Carlin family had sucked the cop right out of me.



    So here I was two months later. Living in a shitty apartment in the middle of Detroit, living off of my earnings from the Carlin case. Why had I chosen Detroit? I don’t know why, I just did.



    My entire life had slipped right out of my hands. Before the Carlin case I knew exactly what I wanted out of life, but now things had changed, I had changed. I no longer aspired to be one of the best detectives to walk the earth.



    In fact I had no goals. My life had taken a downward spiral. I stopped caring about doing great things and focused on the lower aspects of life. Partying at random places during the long nights, never sleeping before five am.



    Even attempting to sleep before five am was useless. Not partying was out of the question. I couldn’t bare lying in bed thinking about her for hours on end. So I filled my nights with drugs and sex.



    But there was nothing I could do about the day time. I had become vampire like. I couldn’t step outside while the sun still shone. So my days are spent with my thoughts. Every thought centers around her, no matter how hard I try.



    I shut the water off and pull back the curtain. I don’t bother to dry off, I simply make my way back to the bedroom in search of fresh clothes. When I finally find something to wear I slip it on over my wet body. I walk out into the living room and take a seat on the worn couch. I reach forward as I do every morning and grab the old paper off of the coffee table.



    The headline read: SPENCER CARLIN: SENTENCE REDUCED TO ONLY SIX MONTHS! I stare down at the picture of her.



    After weeks of trying to find a way out of it Arthur’s people finally found something that would spring him from his cell, but he couldn’t let his baby girl do hard time could he? Of course not. She was the only thing that really mattered to him. So he told her to dime, to tell Johnson everything she knew.



    After weeks of refusing she finally agreed to when Arthur had threatened to commit suicide. She told them everything. What could have been a ten year sentence was reduced to six months, and fifteen years of probation. Two of those months had already past, and with each passing day I was killing myself a little more.



    In four short months Spencer would be out. Revenge would be on her mind.



    In four short months she would be out and I would be dealt with.


    1. Man, I love this story so much.. I’m always on the edge of my seat reading it. I can’t wait to see how the rest of this story unfolds. Really amazing work!

    2. noooooo !!! don’t leave it here ! please ? this story is so intense…I really want so know what Spencer would do ! I just caught up with your story and I love it from the beginning. I want more of this story !!! please continue ? =)

    3. Okay, I definitely need some closure on this. It doesn’t even have to be what happened once Spencer got out of jail. It could be a one-shot, like a year or two down the road, just so we know what happened. All in all, the fic was great. I’m glad you kept it up. Can we expect another one from you? I hope you give us some closure.

    4. OH HELLS NO! You can’t leave it like this…I want to ee if Spencer will make good on her threat, or if they maybe will get back together again…please one more chapter or so..Awesome Update..Love your story…PMS…ASAP…ROCK ON

    5. shit, no. don’t leave us hanging like this, it’s not nice, duh! Please continue, I’m so addicted to this story, not just me! And about One Side Love, it will be mess up for a few chapters…lol that’s all I can say.

    6. Yea i cant live with it stopping here. Crack addiction have to be weaned, therefore, i need at least another chapter to set things straight. Please…pretty please! I love this story SO much! And i need closure on Spashley!

    7. As much as I love this story, you know you can’t end it here. It’s not done yet, don’t ya know. There’s one final chapter, and we’re all waiting!!! Bravo, what a great fic!

    8. Man, I love this story so much.. I’m always on the edge of my seat reading it. I can’t wait to see how the rest of this story unfolds. Really amazing work!

    9. noooooo !!! don’t leave it here ! please ? this story is so intense…I really want so know what Spencer would do ! I just caught up with your story and I love it from the beginning. I want more of this story !!! please continue ? =)

    10. Okay, I definitely need some closure on this. It doesn’t even have to be what happened once Spencer got out of jail. It could be a one-shot, like a year or two down the road, just so we know what happened. All in all, the fic was great. I’m glad you kept it up. Can we expect another one from you? I hope you give us some closure.

    11. OH HELLS NO! You can’t leave it like this…I want to ee if Spencer will make good on her threat, or if they maybe will get back together again…please one more chapter or so..Awesome Update..Love your story…PMS…ASAP…ROCK ON

    12. shit, no. don’t leave us hanging like this, it’s not nice, duh! Please continue, I’m so addicted to this story, not just me! And about One Side Love, it will be mess up for a few chapters…lol that’s all I can say.

    13. Yea i cant live with it stopping here. Crack addiction have to be weaned, therefore, i need at least another chapter to set things straight. Please…pretty please! I love this story SO much! And i need closure on Spashley!

    14. As much as I love this story, you know you can’t end it here. It’s not done yet, don’t ya know. There’s one final chapter, and we’re all waiting!!! Bravo, what a great fic!

    15. SERIOUSLY, you can’t leave it there. Yes closure is required, in fact many many more chapters would be appreciated. But regardless of whether you do write more or not, this story is really great. (More Spashley is required though!)

    16. SERIOUSLY, you can’t leave it there. Yes closure is required, in fact many many more chapters would be appreciated. But regardless of whether you do write more or not, this story is really great. (More Spashley is required though!)

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