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    Give Up – (Chapter: Yeah)


    Before she has a chance to introduce herself I extend my hand and give her my name. She nods her head and gives me a smile reveling a set of flawless sparkling white teeth. "I’m Spencer, lets dance." She grabs my wrist tightly in her hand and leads me to the middle of the dance floor. After we find a clear space on the floor she wraps her hands around my neck, causing our hips to collide. I hesitate for a split second before responding by resting my hands on her lower back.


    For a few seconds I’m a bit stiff but the feeling fades as I feel her hands wrap tighter around my neck. When I’m finally relaxed I let the beat invade my ears. Taking in every lyric and closing my eyes. I pull Spencer closer to me and move my hands a little lower. The song stops abruptly and a new track with a much harder and faster beat takes it’s place.


    Just like with the music I’m surprised when the warmth of Spencer’s body leaves me. My eyes snap open and Spencer’s back is now facing me. She takes a step back and leans into me. Without hesitating I rest my hands on her hips, pull her closer and focus on the feeling of her ass grinding into me. At first our pace in slow and gentle but that quickly fades as the beat of the song increases and a loud YEAH fills the speakers.


    She lets her hands fall on top of mine and I let them slide down until my fingertips are laying on the inside of her thighs just below her crotch. She grips me tighter and forces my hands upwards until the tips of my fingers make as much contact with her pussy as possible. I shake my wrist in an attempt to get her to release me. She takes the hint and wraps her hands around my neck. I apply as much pressure possible rubbing her pussy hard through the jeans. This continues for a minute, then I feel her nails dig into the back of my neck out of frustration. She turns back around and stares into my eyes. For a moment I consider kissing her but that thought quickly leaves as I remember who she is.

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    1. Okay I just caught up with this story. But I have to say…simply AMAZING!! It’s definitely different from any other fanfic I’ve read. Keep up the great work & I’ll be looking for the next post!!

    2. Ahhaha. This is the BEST. I’ve been waiting for forEVER! I know you’ve been studying for mid-terms and all but I say “who gives a shit”? Mid-terms are only halfway thru the year, you have the rest of that time to make up the grade. You need to be on here updating like crazy. :) I love this story. Seriosuly. LOVE IT! PMS please. I’d really be happy if you did. *gives big puppy dog smile that no one can resist* Really, really happy.

    3. Okay I just caught up with this story. But I have to say…simply AMAZING!! It’s definitely different from any other fanfic I’ve read. Keep up the great work & I’ll be looking for the next post!!

    4. Ahhaha. This is the BEST. I’ve been waiting for forEVER! I know you’ve been studying for mid-terms and all but I say “who gives a shit”? Mid-terms are only halfway thru the year, you have the rest of that time to make up the grade. You need to be on here updating like crazy. :) I love this story. Seriosuly. LOVE IT! PMS please. I’d really be happy if you did. *gives big puppy dog smile that no one can resist* Really, really happy.

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